Part Four.

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Skeleton Crew
Harley Finley

It was almost nine at night. Mostly everyone had gone home leaving just Elijah's skeleton crew, as I like to call them- Hudson and Colt. It seemed they spent the most time together, hanging out and drinking beer. I guess they even worked together.

"So, Jim's bike shop is still open?" I raised a beer to my lips, trying to keep up with all the new information everyone was spitting at me.

"Yeah." Elijah spoke solemnly. "We all work there. I'm going to try to keep it going but we'll see."

"I thought he'd be out of business after a few years." I laughed to myself, only earning confused looks from Hudson, Colten and Elijah. "Don't act like he was a saint just fixing those motorcycles."

Hudson shook his head and Colten fiddled with the beer in front of him.

I looked to Elijah with disgust. "Don't tell me you're going to sell drugs out of there like he did."

Elijah shrugged, "I don't know, Lee. Maybe. I got twins on the way. I need some type of extra income for the extra mouths to feed."

I shook my head in disagreement but what did I care? I wasn't going to be staying here. It wasn't my business what he did with his life or if he ended up in jail because of some stupid ass decision my father made years ago.

"So how's everything with you? I've been talking for hours." Elijah tried to change the subject with wishful thinking.

"Same old. Traveling. Cooking. The usual." I looked to my phone with a sigh. "It's getting late. I should probably hit the road."

I attempted to stand but the beer cursing through my body had other things in mind.

"You could stay the night." Elijah offered. "Colt and Hudson are. You could take one of the spare rooms or couch if you don't want yours."

Fuck, he's trying so hard. How do I say no?

"I'm going to cook something and we'll see." I announced, forcing myself to a stand and going into the kitchen.

I shouldn't have been surprised to see Chloe shuffling through the fridge.

I couldn't imagine eating for three.

"What are you craving?" I asked, peaking into the fridge behind her.

She jumped slightly, only relaxing when she saw me.

"Everything." She moaned, stuffing a cheese wrapped pickle into her mouth. "Everything with cheese."

I let out a soft laugh as I took some ingredients out from the fridge.

"You must do the shopping. I've never seen this much stuff in here." I smiled to Chloe who finally sat down at the kitchen island, putting her swollen ankles up.

"Elijah is good for one thing and one thing only." She raised a finger in the air then pointed to her protruding belly.

I listened to Chloe ramble on about the ups and downs of pregnancy for a while as I stood in front of the stove top, mixing the arrays of cheese I found.

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