Part Thirty Five.

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Harley Finley

Drew zip tied my wrists together, calling me a 'problem child' over and over. Then aggressively pulled me to the Dodge Charger parked in the driveway. I didn't even have time to yell at myself for being so naive in thinking he wasn't the one following Chloe and I before he pinned me against the car.

Drew's eyes scanned mine with his hand holding either arm tightly, pressing his fingers deep into my skin.

"Pull any shit and I won't hesitate to end his life." Drew threatened, with a shake of my body. "Do you understand me?"

I shook my still wet hair out of my face and gave him a slight nod, feeling my blood boil.

"Good girl." He hushed before shoving me into the backseat next to Colten.

I didn't even think twice before pressing my bound hands to Colten's stomach.

He threw his head back with a groan. "Fuck, angel. Stop worrying about me."

I completely ignored him, pressing as hard as I could to try and slow the bleeding. He wasn't gushing blood, meaning the bullet didn't hit anything vital, but fuck, he was still oozing bright red liquid that made me feel sick to my stomach.

"You need to worry about getting away. I can manage my own. It's just a flesh wound." Colten whispered into my ear, straining to even talk.

"You're crazy to think I'm going to leave you behind." My voice was hard, trying to hide the pain I was feeling.

"Angel," Colten reached a gentle hand to the side of my face, leaving the sticky wetness from his blood as a mark. "I've been shot at plenty of times and seen plenty of gun shot victims to know what comes next and I don't want you around for that. You don't need to see me at my weakest."

"Shut the fuck up, Colten." I snapped with anger and sadness, forcing him to bend forward so I could look at his back. I rested my forehead to his shoulder blade with an unsteady exhale.

"There's no exit wound." I murmured into his unusually cool skin with a pit in my stomach.

"You need to go to the hospital. You won't make it if we don't get the bullet out." Even in my soft mumble, my cries showed. My heart ached at the thought of losing him. I couldn't imagine it. I didn't want to.

He found my hands, holding both of them in one of his, rubbing his thumb over them to try and stop the uncontrollable tremble.

"You need to get away, first chance you get." He whispered one more time before resting his head backward. His head swayed back and forth, his eyelids began to get heavy, shutting and then forcefully opening.

"Stop here for Gas." Drew dictated to Hudson, pointing at a gas station in the middle of nowhere.

I wasn't even sure how long we were driving for, all I had been focusing on was monitoring Colten's pulse through his wrist, counting each beat that still seemed strong. I was waiting for it to dwindle, especially after he had closed his eyes, not opening them again.

I knew I had to do something.

I scoot over in my seat, fiddling with my shoe laces while Drew and Hudson hushly argued about the risks of stopping before Drew jumped out of the car, slamming the door shut.

Hudson huffed and rested his head into the seat.

"So are you apart of this group or just along for the ride?" I asked Hudson, trying to keep him occupied while I tied one lace from each shoe through the zip tie.

An old trick I learned when an ex left me tied up after sex thinking it was funny.

What I wouldn't give to apologize for kicking his ass after freeing myself.

"Not now, Harley." Hudson grumbled, turning on the radio.

I waited for the song to get louder, not caring who it was by, before I peddled my feet, pulling at the zip tie until it snapped. Hudson jumped at the noise, but he wasn't ready like I was.

I was already in the front seat with my hands around his throat before he had time to react. His screams for help came out muffled as I pressed on both sides of his neck with my thumbs, digging my hands into his skin.

Hudson fought, pushing my back into the steering wheel over and over with the thrashes of his body, honking the horn more than twice, trying to get me off of him but I held his hands down under my knees and my hands around his throat for what felt like eternity until his fighting slowly stopped.

Tears cascaded down my cheeks, bubbling at the harsh exhales from my lips looking at my high school friend, my brothers best friend, laying motionless beneath me.

I released his bruised neck and dug through his pockets, taking out his phone and tossing it to the passenger seat. I kicked the door open, pushing his limp body out, flinching at the sound it made when it hit the concrete ground.

I could hear Drew screaming my name, his voice getting closer and closer. But I already had my foot on the gas pedal by the time he got to the locked driver side door.

He banged on the window, yelling at me to open the door like I'd actually listen.

The tires peeled against the concrete when I took off, leaving behind a possibly dead body and my kidnapper.

I yanked the phone to my ear after dialing Elijah's number, hoping and praying he'd answer.

"Hudson, what the fuck do you want at one in the morning?" Elijah grumbled on the other end, his voice half asleep.

"Oh my god." I sobbed at his voice. "Elijah, it's Harley. I- oh thank god you're okay."

"Harley?!" I could hear the sudden urgency in his voice. "What's going on? Why do you have Hudson's phone?!"

"I think I killed him! He shot Colten. Fuck, I don't even know where we are. I have to get him to the hospital, Eli. I, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just driving to get away. I don't want him to die."

"Harley, listen to me. Are you alone?"

"No, Colten is in the backseat. He hasn't spoken in close to an hour. He's bleeding bad. Fuck, I can't let him die, Eli. I just can't."

"Okay, take a deep breath. You don't need to get into an accident right now. Get off the phone with me, look up where you are and go to the nearest hospital. Give the car to valet so the cops have a lead. Then call me. Understood?"

"Yes." I huffed, attempting to man up and face my fears head on. I wiped my eyes dry and hung up then peeked back at Colten, only watching long enough to see his chest rise with a shallow breath. I reached a hand to the backseat, squeezing his knee before searching on the maps app where the fuck we were.

"I won't let you die, Colten." I looked in the rear view mirror, adjusting it to keep some attention on him, wishing to see his eyes open to see how serious I was.

A/N; WELLWELLWELL; look who convinced me to post early, yet again! You guys have been extremely spoiled this week nonetheless.

I could have let Drew abduct Harley and Colten but then what? Drew gets what he wants and Colten dies? Nono. Harley is a badass bitch and loves Colt way to much to submit like that.

Y'all probably wondering where this story is headed, well, you'll find out. I'm sure everyone is ready to meet the big man in charge, and you will very soon.

Fun fact; if you're ever zip tied at the wrists and need to get free, tie your shoe laces around it and peddle your feet as if you're on a bike! It actually works :O saw on TikTok then attempted at home.

Hope you're never in the position but never know! (I also know how to escape quick sand even if I live over a hundred miles away from any. Lol)

What fun survival facts do you guys know?

Til tomorrow, loves! xx

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