Part Forty Six.

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The Choice is yours
Harley Finley

My heart thrummed. My chest felt like it was going to cave in but Colten gave my hand a reassuring squeeze as we walked through the tree line.

The foliage gave way, exposing an open field that Colten had warned me about. My stomach was in knots wondering if I had talked him into doing the right thing.

Going through with a sexual ritual as he relayed the guy saying wasn't on my to do list. None of this was. I just wanted to be happy in life; with Colten and a few children.

And I couldn't go through a third miscarriage.

"If anything goes wrong, you run. Understand? No trying to be the hero and saving me again. We don't know what's going to happen or where they're going to take us. So I need you to count the steps it takes to get out of here and remember your surroundings in case I can't be with you." Colten whispered into my ear, squeezing my body against his side with his arm.

"We're coming willingly. I doubt they'll do anything to jeopardize that." I sounded confident but I was anything but.

"Harley, this is serious." He grabbed my hand and twisted me around. "If anything happens, you run. No looking back."

I watched his eyes harden, masking any emotion just like he had done in the beginning of us and for the past weeks. All I wanted to see was that loving look I thought I had permanently broken to.

I placed a soothing hand to the side of his face and let my thumb rub under his eyes.

"Okay, Colten." I lied. I lied my ass off knowing if something were to happen, I'd risk my life for him.

"There won't be a need for running." A raspy males voice echoed in the open field.

Colten's arm instinctively wrapped around me, tightening on my hips even when I turned to see the man behind the voice.

My eyes narrowed, taking in the slim older man.

"That's Felix." Colten whispered into my ear.

"Ah, yes I am. Though, I would have liked to introduce myself to my would-have-could-have been daughter." Felix smirked to me, allowing me to see his yellow stained teeth.

I kept my lips tightly shut, promising myself to not say anything stupid.

"To be honest, I was almost positive I'd see you two sooner. How are you, Harley? Enduring two losses couldn't have been easy." His tone stayed neutral, not showing an ounce of emotion or remorse.

"I'm here." I shared the same neutral tone as he did.

"Here and hoping I'll help with your fertility issue." He raised a finger in the air as he took a few more steps forward, filling the gap between the three of us.

"You said you would. Tell me otherwise and I'll happily take Harley back home. Trust me when I say if you do anything shady, we're leaving." Colten snapped and tucked me behind him.

Felixs eyes narrowed at the motion, "No need." He groaned with distaste. "I'd like to speak with Harley before we go any further."

"Anything you say to me could be said in front of Colten."

He sighed out, closing his eyes tight. "You are beginning to become a pain in the ass, Mr. Gunn."

"I don't give a fuck what you think I am. Touch her and I'll kill you." Colten tightened his grasp on my hips, almost painfully digging his fingers into me.

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