Party Twenty Eight

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Harley Finley

The darkness still overtook Colten's bedroom and sleep was something I wish I could get more of. I snuggled closer into Colten's warm, bare chest and listened to his heart beat. The rhythmic ba-bump was enough to ease my eyes closed again. Then his arm tightened, holding me even closer to his body with a soft murmur from his lips.

Just hearing his rough, scratchy morning voice was enough to excite me. I leaned my chin on his sternum and etched my finger through the indents of his muscular body. I examined every piece of exposed skin and even in the poor lighting, he was the most attractive man I had ever been with.

His chiseled jaw line and high cheek bones with his plump pink lips that opened just slightly with a soft exhale made me wish I could stay like this forever and a day with him.

He was perfect.

"Mornin', angel." Colten whispered with a growing smile as his left eye peeked open to see me admiring him.

"Morning." I smiled back and laid on top of him while he stretched out.

"Can't sleep anymore?" He asked in a hum while tucking a piece of my wild hair behind my ear.

I couldn't help but place my hand to his cheek to feel them chunk upwards with his growing smile. His happiness and mine seemed to intertwine just as our bodies have and I loved every minute of it.

"You have such a sexy smile." I murmured without even thinking.

"Okay, you need food. You're starting to go lust crazy on me." He joked and tried to get up but I wouldn't let him. I clung to him, keeping him stuck to the bed sheets.

"Give me a kiss first."

He tilted his head slightly showing how humored he was. "I thought I taught you last night that I'm in charge in the bedroom."

"You did." I nodded and puckered my lips, ready for him but he didn't make his move. Instead he flipped me onto my back, pressing the entirety of his weight on me.

"And where are we now, angel?"

I rolled my eyes with a soft huff but the annoyance I was pretending to have disappeared when his hands gently caressed my body, roaming up my sides from my hips until he was holding my face still by my cheeks. His eyes bored into mine as he looked me over, as if making sure I was okay.

"Just give me a kiss already."

His eyes fluttered closed before he placed a gentle kiss to my lips. I could feel his hesitation before he pulled away completely. Barely giving me a taste of him.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a sigh.

"We have to get going soon. How about I make us some coffee and breakfast while you shower." He offered, rolling off of me.

"What about some morning sex?"

Colten chuckled with a shake of his head as he stood to his feet. "Not with your brother here."

"Elijah isn't-"

Just then I heard a loud knock at the door. I gave Colten a quizzical look, wondering how he even knew he was here.

"I heard his car coming up the driveway. We'll have more time to fool around when we get to your place." He winked. "Bathroom is right there. If you need help just let me know."

I bounced my head a few times as I sat on the edge of the bed. "I need help with a few things."

"Angel, be a good girl and go take a shower." He voiced deepened just like last night, sending a thrill down my spine.

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