Part Seven.

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Harley Finley

I watched the tinted out cop car come to a complete stop in front of me. The passenger window opened slowly to reveal a man I hadn't seen since we were teens.

"Harley?" Drew yelled with enthusiasm.

A smile spread across my lips as I walked up to the side of the car and peeped through the window.

"Hey, Drew." I gave my ex high school boyfriend a soft glance as I took in how sexy he looked in a uniform. His biceps were hugging the tough material to his arms, screaming to be released.

"It's been a while." Drew smiled back as he carelessly took in my grown appearance as I did his.

The younger, chubby kid was no longer. No, it was taken over by a man that kept his hair gelled back to perfection and a soft thin face that held so many memories of us, all tied together with the dimples that rested in his breathtaking smile.

"It has been." I agreed, wanting to reach in and hug him.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Drew sighed, leaning closer to the passenger seat, giving me more of a view into his aviator sunglasses that hid his mesmerizing blue eyes.

"It is what it is." I shrugged, resting my chin to my hands.

"I'm looking for Colten Gunn. You know him?" Drew glanced around me, trying to peek into the garage where Colten had went into before he got here.

I shook my head sheepishly. "Can't say I do."

Not a lie. I know his cock better than him.

Drew gave a small nod, "Good. Don't get involved with him."

I couldn't help but raise my brows with curiosity. "Why's that?"

"Just don't. I know he's your brothers friend but he's nothing but bad news."

Drew pushed his sunglasses further into his nose as he ran a finger through his short hair. I watched as his palms nervously tapped the steering wheel as he glanced to me then to our surroundings.

I bit my lip, feeling as if I could read his dirty thoughts. The ones of the night we lost our virginity to each other in his beaten down Chevy.

"How long are you in town for?" Drew asked, giving me one long lingering glance, making me shudder slightly at the authority he radiates from his cop uniform.

"I was supposed to be home by now but I'm having car troubles." I huffed, adjusting my stance so my back would stop hurting from the position I was in.

"Well, maybe I could take you around town one night. Show you what's changed."

My lips curled upwards at the thought. "Drew Crenshaw. It sounds like you're asking me out for the first time all over again." I teased earning a soft, deep chuckle from him.

"And if I am?" He gave me the sweetest smile that would make any girl melt to the ground.

"I'd have to ask if you'll put the lights on." I pointed to the roof where the sirens sat on top of his car.

"Harley!" Elijah snapped from behind me. I jumped, smacking the back of my head on the car window.

I rubbed my now sore head as I narrowed my eyes to my brother. Always the soft spoken one. Why in the world would he be yelling at me?

"Inside. Now." Elijah demanded, fuming as he sped walked up to us.

"Let me know, Harley." Drew exclaimed before I had the chance to walk away. I shot him a wink before passing my very, very angry half brother.

I stood in the office with my arms crossed, watching Elijah and Drew go back and forth with heated words, none of which I could understand, until Drew pulled away, driving down the thin driveway again.

Elijah rushed a hand on his face with a groan as he pushed the front door open and slammed it shut.

"Don't talk to him." Elijah pointed to me with a look that, if he tried, could kill me.

"Drew? Why not?" I shot back, hating this town even more.

"Just don't."

My whole body felt like it was on fire. I hated being disciplined by my older half-brother. It made me feel like his child when I was very much not so.

Plus, I have a problem being told what to do. Probably stemmed from my deep daddy issues.

"Funny. He said the same thing about Colten." I motioned to Colt as he walked into the room.

His face dropped at the mention of his name.

"Don't bring me into this shit." Colten groaned, putting his helmet onto the counter. "You shouldn't be talking to cops period. They're fucking assholes in this town."

I rolled my eyes and looked back to Elijah. "Drew's different."

"No, Harley. Drew is the worst of them all. It doesn't matter if you two were dating up until you left, he's a fucked up, dirty cop." Elijah shook his head, disapprovingly.

"That's your taste in men?" Colten laughed as he popped open a beer.

I couldn't help the excessive eye rolling to the men in front of me. "What's that supposed to mean, Colten?" I shot back, tired of everyone telling me what to do for the past ten minutes.

"I could beat the shit out of him if it wasn't for the worthless badge on his stupid uniform." Colten laughed. "He looks like kindergartener. Like grow some facial hair, man."

"He asked me on a date." I exclaimed, earning a hard look from both of them but I didn't care. "And I'm going."

"Absolutely not." Elijah stomped his foot with a growl. "He isn't the same person you knew in high school, Lee."

Colten huffed, "Stop being a rebellious teenager and listen to your brother."

I stood there with pursed lips and a creased brow, tightening my arms crossed against my chest. The two of them were ganging up on me and I fucking hated it to my core. No wonder they were best friends. Two peas in a pod.


"Stop being jealous because we had sex a few times." I scolded Colten, feeling nothing from him at the moment.

How could I have been so turned on just an hour ago by a man who thinks like my brother?

Colten laughed as he walked slowly towards me until my hips were in his strong, sweaty hands. "Oh, angel. I'm very, very far from jealous." He smirked, staring into my eyes with a heat strong enough to rip my clothing off of my body.

"No one will make you purr like I did." He whispered as he leaned down, hovering his lips to mine. Our breaths teasing each other, mine fastening at the thought of tasting his tongue.

"I can't help but be completely turned off right now." I gagged, pulling away and walking to the counter, dramatically.

Colten narrowed his eyes and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "You were turned on last night." He mumbled, defeated under his breath.

I looked to Elijah with a sigh. "Did Rocco pick up my car?"

Elijah shook his head before walking into the back of the garage, leaving Colten and I alone.

"What's up his ass?" I asked, pointing to where Elijah walked out.

Colten shrugged. "Drew's an asshole. Guess you'll find that out on your little date. Huh, babe?" His lips curled upward as he tapped my nose with his index finger.

"Are you going to try and change my mind?" I huffed.

"Yeah, but not the way Elijah would." Colten smiled devilishly before walking away the same way Elijah went.

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