Part Six.

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Harley Finley

Colten laid in my bed, our naked bodies intertwined into a knotted mess with the blue comforter. His arm rested on top of my waist feeling like a fifty pound weight keeping me beside him.

Everything ached. My stomach, my thighs, my ass.

With every shimmy out of his grasp, I could feel the happenings of last night all over again. Every place he touched me was just a button to my next orgasm until we both passed out.

It was the best sex filled night I've ever had.

One I'll be thinking about every night I spend alone - at home.

I rubbed my tired eyes and quietly got dressed, throwing on my jeans and sweater from yesterday.

The house was quiet as I shuffled my way through, hoping not to bump into anyone on my escape to my car.

It wasn't until I was on the one hundred mile road out of that wretched town that I felt a little more at peace but even then, the envelope in my pocket weighted me down. It yanked at me to read it before I went any further, screaming imaginary swears in my ear, cursing me out for ignoring what my father wrote before he even knew he was dying.

If it wasn't for Colten fucking me senseless - again - there's no way I would have stayed the night in that memory capsule of a room.

All I want to do is get home and lay in my own bed.

Then grey smoke escaped from under my hood, clouding my vision to freedom with a thick smell of burnt rubber and the sound of gears grinding.

I swear the universe hates me.

Once pulled over, I released my anger, smashing the car wheel over and over until a few satisfactory harsh beeps exit the stupid vehicle.

"Fucking amazing. A brand new fucking car and you just have to break down!" I yelled, slamming the driver side door and opening the hood roughly.

I cough and wave my hand into the lung filling smoke with annoyance, looking for what could possibly be wrong.


I take out my phone and ring Elijah, hoping he'd pick up.

"Harley?" Elijah answered, without even a hello mind you. "What's wrong?"

Well, you could tell I never call him.

"I'm broken down outside of town." I sighed, rubbing my face roughly. God, I hate asking for help. Especially from an estranged family member.

"How bad?" Elijah asked.

"Bad. Undrivable." I went to try the ignition again but only received putters and the dreaded check engine light. "Definitely my motor."

"Okay. I'll get a tow truck out there and bring it back to the shop. You're on Old Waterbury Road?"

I bit my tongue. Of course I'm on Old Waterbury Road. It's the only road out of this stupid fucking town for miles.

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