Part Forty Five.

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Goodbye For Now
Colten Gunn

"Oh my god. Look at the cute little balls of chunk!" Harley exclaimed as she entered the room. Her arms wide with the most forced smile I've ever seen spread across her face.

It broke my fucking heart, man, seeing her so unhappy and scared all the time.

And I knew going to see babies, of all fucking things, wasn't going to fix anything.

But it was Elijah and Chloe, we both felt like we had to. We've pushed off the first visit to see the twins long enough. And who knows, maybe Chloe's psychotic and hormonal ass could cheer her up.

"Let me see one." Harley demanded of the said psychotic and hormonal woman. Chloe went into defensive, mother mode with a scowl.

Harley took a side step with a frown, "Sorry, it's just been awhile since I held a baby."

"I'm just sleep deprived. It's turning me into a goddamn feral animal." Chloe huffed, handing a baby into Harley's arms.

"Take both of them for the love of god." Elijah groaned coming into view from the kitchen with a fake breast to his chest.

"What the fuck is that?" I raised a brow before pouncing over to him to poke the silicone that squished beneath my finger. "Wow, it feels so real."

Elijah looked to me with tired eyes. He huffed and pointed to his fiance, "Her idea."

Chloe shook her head, looking just as tired and sighed, "It's not easy breastfeeding two babies at the same time."

"So you gave your fiance a boob job?" I smirked, finding humor in it all. That is until I looked to Harley, holding both babies in her arms. Her eyes were stuck on them as she tuned out the world around her. She cradled them, bouncing with each small step she took to get away from the conversation.

I nudged Elijah in the ribs and gave him a pleading look. One that said help me, I'm drowning and I can't fix it.

"Hey, Lee." He tried to sound chirpy with the tired rasp in his voice.

"Hey. You two can go have some boy bonding time. It's been a while." She pressed, not even looking up. Not even cracking a joke about us being butt buddies or me touching his fake breast.

"Yeah. Okay. We'll be in the garage if either of you need us."

"Just go, Eli." Chloe mouthed with a push of her hands before giving her attention to the twins and Harley.

I physically had to force myself to not go up to Harley and hold her. Actually, Elijah had to pull on my shirt and guide me through his small home into the garage.

"A minivan?" I eyed the soccer mom contraption with another smile.

"Twins, Colten. Two babies who wake each other up every thirty minutes. I swear they're out for my sleep. I close my eyes for a second and they're up. And if it isn't them, I'm actually concerned Chloe wants to murder me. I woke up after sleeping for two hours and saw her staring at me. Not this lovey stare either. No. She was thinking of ways she could smother me with a child latched to both of her nipples." He ranted and raved, making me understand quickly that this was to get our frustration out rather than hang out like old times.

"I wouldn't put it past her. Do you know how many times she threatened my life then told me she loved me?" I took the beer can from him with a loud sigh.

We both found a seat in the garage with a beer in each hand. Elijah opened the hood to the minivan and started checking its oil levels.

A dreaded silence loomed over us and all my pent up anger bubbled to the surface.

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