Chapter 3

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End watched as the two demigods entangled with one another, deeply in love. End smiled maliciously.

"I know exactly how to break those two demigods... I have no right to be Eros, but I must say they're cute together," Enaphix hissed a bit too gleefully.

End turned on her but the same expression shone in his eyes.

"It'll be such a shame to rip those two apart," End said wickedly.

The three monster sisters cackled evilly. Their plan was forming.


The primordial council stared at Chaos again for an explanation.

"How are you a primordial god then?" Aether asked.

"Our father, Void, had children with our mother, Abyss. But End wasn't created yet. It was just Order and I. After a year, Abyss traveled into a different dimension on accident. Void then fell in love with another female. This female was not a goddess. She was a mortal named Belle. Belle was an ancient mortal that no one knew about. Not even I remember what she was but they lived in a traveling dimension. When their dimension traveled to Void's, Void instantly fell in love with her. She escaped the dimension and they had their child, End. Unfortunately, the floating dimension had already traveled away. Without the dimension, Belle would die. And so she did. Void raised End, giving him special quests until he stumbled upon an ancient being named Corruption. Corruption gave him the power of a primordial and he became the primordial god, End. He didn't tell Void, of course, but Void could sense it in him. When we were older, we met. We built the galaxy and the universe. Our problem was that End only wanted to destroy everything. Order wanted peace and harmony. I wanted creativity. End didn't like either of our ways so he declared war on us. It took us a long time to defeat him in what we called the Galactic War. He was defeated and sent to the darkest part of the Void. Now, he is back. Ready to destroy all we have worked for for good," Chaos finished, looking grim.


||Annabeth Chase||

I woke up to the taste of sea salt in my mouth. I opened my eyes and quickly pulled my bikini top back on. Percy roused as well and we quickly covered up again. I kissed his cheek again and he smiled at me. I then realized that it was 12:00. We were technically going to have lunch! Percy and I ran out and we grabbed a seat in the hotel buffet. The rest of us joined and Piper looked at me with a small smirk on her face.

'What did you see?' I mouthed.

'You two had some fun together,' she mouthed back, her eyes glinting with amusement.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to my food. I munched on a piece of Italian sausage and watched as Percy drank his blue soda. He and Jason were looking at each other and Jason was snickering. Percy glared playfully before leaning back and letting a waiter take his plate.

"So, guys. We've got... well today is our last day in Hawaii. Who's ready for college?" he asked.

We all groaned and Percy laughed.

"Honestly, it's not that bad," he said.

"Easy for you to say," Will said, "You're doing the arts and marine biology! You love that stuff!"

"And you're doing medical school because that's what you like to do," Percy shot back.

"I'm just joining the college fencing team but they also required I take an academic class," Reyna whined.

"You mean biology?"

"Yeah, that thing."

"It's important how to take care of your body and know what muscles will help you," I reasoned.

We continued complaining about college until we saw mortals screaming. Not because of a monster or anything, it was fangirls. Screaming about Percy. I rolled my eyes and Percy pretended to not notice them. Then they came over and began to ask him to sign their albums. When they were gone, Percy cursed.

"Shit, I should've put on my shades," he muttered.

He flicked them on before anyone could see him and left the buffet before any more mortals could bother him. I smiled. Typical Seaweed Brain, not wanting any attention in life. Calypso sighed, looking at the ceiling.

"I'm excited to be teaching little kids, though," she said.

"You'd be an excellent nurse," Will suggested.

"I love little kids more I guess," Calypso shrugged.

We all nodded in agreement and I got up, following Percy. I slung an arm around his shoulder and he sighed, letting me into his strong and protecting embrace. Today was our last day in Hawaii and it would be fun. I went to go shopping with the girls and the boys went to the beach to surf.

---Time Skip to Departure---

||Percy Jackson||

I walked into the airport and looked at all the beautiful flowers. I remembered my flower necklace from graduation. It was not very fitting on Matt Sloan but to me it reminded me of my dad, who was also wearing one in the front row as he clapped. I brushed my hair back and smiled when we were past inspection.

"Jeez, I'm always excited to be past that idiotic thing," Annabeth shivered.

"Do you know how many people have touched the floor for inspection here?" Katie gagged and began to Lysol-spray her socks.

I laughed and walked into the airport, grabbing some Starbucks. We walked to the waiting area where we saw two girls who looked like really cute fashionistas. One looked super elegant and business-like and I remembered her. It was Lisa from my shooting job. She was wearing a black blazer with a yellow crop, then a short black skirt. Her friend was wearing a gray button-up crop and some baggy gray sweatpants.

I wanted to yell a greeting but the girl did it first.

"HEY, NICK! DO YOU REMEMBER LISA?!" she was screaming.

Lisa shot her a look and quickly picked up her phone, making a fake phone call. Typical Lisa. She'd make a great hunter of Artemis. I waved and she smiled at me, waving back. Her friend followed her gaze, shrugged, then pointed back to Nick, leaving Lisa rolling her eyes and continuing to act as if she was doing a fake call.

I boarded the plane, saying goodbye to Hawaii as we took off.

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