Chapter 11

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||Annabeth Chase||

I winced as Coach Hedge checked on my head again.

"Looking better, Annabeth. Okay, cupcakes! We're heading nowhere because we have no idea where we're supposed to be," Coach Hedge looked at all of us.

"Semystra told us that she would give us the location of where Hecate is kept but we have to find out something else," I said.

"Um..." we all thought before a huge roar sounded.

We all rushed outside to see a giant. Not any giant. Polybotes.

"WHY DON'T I SMELL SEA SCUM?!" he roared.

"He's not here!" I yelled.

"I WANT SEA SCUM!" Polybotes yelled again, throwing poison at me and I dodged just in time.

I then noticed a glinting object dangling on a necklace around his neck. I took out binoculars and took a closer look. It was a compass with the mark of End on it. Then it clicked. If I could get the compass, then I could possibly find out where we're going next! I leaped out of my hiding spot.

"Annabeth, what are you doing?!" Piper yelled.

I looked at Polybotes's poison and dodged as it hit the pole behind me. I rolled as he shot another and I sent a quick prayer to Poseidon.

Help me, please, Lord Poseidon!

I leaped into the water and I felt the waves seeming to push me.

I will help you, daughter of Athena...

I was at Polybotes's feet. The giant didn't even notice.

"Where are you?!" he was yelling, fingering the waves, completely oblivious to the fact that I was slowly climbing up his legs.

I made it to his lower back, not making any sounds.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" he bellowed again, shaking around and twirling.

It took all my willpower to stay on and avoid his stinky breath. I made it to his shoulder and I realized my phone was still in my pocket! I took it out and texted Piper.

Piper! Leap into the water! Poseidon will help you. I'm gonna cut the necklace, there's a compass for the pendant! I need you to catch it when it falls into the water! ~ Annabeth

Uh... okay???? ~ Piper

Do it NOW ~ Annabeth

I shoved the phone into my pocket and shakily took out my dagger. I tried not to look at the large zits that littered the giant's skin and looked at the chain. I cut it off and watched as it fell into the sea right next to where Piper was floating in the water. She quickly had Jason flying her back on deck, narrowly missing the poison Polybotes threw at her. I realized I had left a scratch on Polybotes's neck. Too late. I had to get down.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Polybotes yelled as I narrowly missed his hand jamming me.

I crawled. I crawled as light as I could and I almost let out a squeak as his hand almost smashed me against his butt. I made it to his knee and crawled. He slammed his hand onto his back and I fumbled in my pockets for something that could make a sound. I then found it. In my backpack. It was one of Leo's grenades. I threw it behind me and heard the boom. Polybotes turned and I leaped into the sea. I swam until I had reached the back of the ship. Piper pulled me up and we set sail, moving. Polybotes heard the ship and he turned around.

"NO!" he yelled when he saw that I was safe on the ship, "NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

He was throwing poison and rocks at us, but nothing would touch us. He fell to his knees and wailed. We were out of his sight and we sighed in relief. I took out the compass and studied it. It pointed west.

"Go!" I yelled.

||Percy Jackson||

To say this dragon was terrifying is an understatement. This dragon is like... the definition of horrifyingly scary. Though it sent fear coiling in my stomach, it was also so beautiful. It struck down and I felt pain worse than Tartarus. I let out a scream of agony and slashed at its arm. Blood ran down and dripped into a jar I hadn't realized I was holding. I capped it and rolled as he almost crushed me.

"RARRRRR!" it roared, stabbing me with its claws.

Dragon claws are poisonous... they'll kill you! I thought.

I dodged as fire was shot at me. I stabbed at the dragon but I was batted off by its gigantic wings. I lay on the floor in a daze. The dragon sank its teeth into my side and I yowled, feeling pain ten times worse than anything running into my veins. I whimpered and skewered my side to get to the gums underneath his teeth. I felt my blood splattering all over me and falling all over the floor like a waterfall. When it let go I realized that I couldn't fight this creature. I finally figured out the solution. If I was going to die, it was because of the fire! This time, it blew fire straight at me. I didn't move. I felt nothing but a tickling sensation. When I opened my eyes, the dragon had stopped roaring and instead it was at my feet. It nuzzled me and its voice came crashing through my mind.

My prince, it said.

"Prince?" I asked.

I will call you my prince, my prince, the dragon said.

"Okay... I'm not a prince. I'm gonna go because I've gotta help my friends," I said.

Alright, I will come with you!

I hopped on its back and we flew out of the chamber. All the dead souls stared in shock as I flew away. The world turned black again.


I was sitting down, admiring his handsome features when wounds began to open up on his body and blood splattered the sheets. I knew these wounds were fatal. I didn't have the dragon's blood so I could only wait. It was an hour and finally, his eyes opened but they remained white. I noticed the jar of dragon blood and I immediately poured it into his wounds and bandaged him up. I dribbled ambrosia and nectar into his mouth and closed his eyes.

"You will rest now, Percy. You've done well."

I stroked the sleeping hero's hair and then, I noticed something under his arm. It was a dragon in the form of a baby. I realized that this was the unnameable dragon and Percy had tamed it. I realized the truth now... but I couldn't tell him... yet. I sighed, walking into my little storage of healing items and began to clean up.

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