Chapter 28

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||Annabeth Chase||

Guess how I woke up? BEING DRENCHED BY PERCY! I screamed and shot up. I looked into the familiar sea-green eyes that I love and that messy jet black hair.

"Percy," I said dangerously.

He ran away faster than I could imagine possible. I put on my clothes and grabbed a sandal from the closet. I ran after him.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I yelled.

He eventually turned around with his arms wide open. What did I do? I threw the shoe until it slapped his face. Then, I kissed his groaning face.

"Good morning," I smiled before grabbing the apple in his hand and biting it.

"Ugh..." Percy rolled to the side and got up, "Jeez, Annabeth!"

"She beat you up again?" Jason walked out.

"Yep... no surprises," Percy took out another apple and began to chomp on it.

"We've gotta go to a party my cousin's hosting at his house, so... girls, dress up and guys... let's go to the fro yo shop down the street," he said.

The guys all laughed and they left. I walked over to the girls' suite and found that everyone was getting ready. I took a seat next to Piper, who was busy applying mascara to her lashes.

"Hey," I said, taking out my face cream.

"Oh, hey," she said, smacking her lips together.

"Who's excited for this party?" I asked, applying more makeup.

"It's gonna be a blast," Clarisse commented, putting on a coat of red eyeshadow.

"We've been to so many," Thalia added more blue eyeliner on.

"It's not like we went to a lot in college. I mean, Annabeth did, but we didn't. We just went to a lot in high school," Reyna pointed out.

"True," Rachel added some golden glitter highlights on her cheeks.

"Honestly," Calypso pulled her hair into a long braid, "I wouldn't care too much about the many times we went to parties. I'm just grateful for a little bit of luxury."

"Yep," Hazel sprayed some hairspray into her curls.

I put on the dress with a blue mesh jacket.

I put on the dress with a blue mesh jacket

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Percy smiled and put an arm around me.

"Let's go," he said when everyone came out.

||Hermione Granger||

Ginny sipped her lemonade.

"Personally, I prefer butter beer," she said, staring at the cold cup.

"I just drink water," I said, taking a swig.

"Coffee is fine for me," Molly sighed as the cold liquid touched her lips.

"Hermione, do you love Ron?" Ginny gave me a look.

"No way! He is slimy and gross! He is ugly and scrawny! Why would I love him?!" I exclaimed.

"True love," Molly shrugged, sipping her coffee.

"You two are impossible," I groaned.

||Percy Jackson||

I walked into my cousin's house to find him standing at the door, waiting.

||Mark Blofis||

Percy looked way hotter than me. That wasn't okay.

"You're standing really weirdly," Percy said, looking at me.

"I-I always stand like this," I covered.

"He's some cousin, Perce."

That's when I saw her. The girl I'm destined to be with. She was next to Percy. The tall blonde with tan skin and striking gray eyes. They walked into the party and I wiped some drool from the corner of my mouth. That blonde was mine. I danced and kept staring at her, looking away when she turned around. She was dancing with Percy.

"Introducing, Percy Jackson! My cousin!" I yelled.

"Yeah, right," a guy yelled.

Percy took the stage.

"Unfortunately, he is my step-cousin," Percy said.

He began to sing and I took my chance. I walked over to the blonde.

"Hey," I said in my deepest voice.

"Uh... hey?" the blonde raised an eyebrow.

"What's your name? I'm Mark Blofis," I shook her hand.

"Annabeth Chase," she said, looking at me with her dreamy eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Annabeth Blofis," I said.

She stepped back.


"Sorry, it slipped," I turned red.

"That's... okay," she said hesitantly.

"So... wanna get on the bed after this?" I asked.

"No," Annabeth looked at me fiercely, "I have a boyfriend."

"Then... this boyfriend has to wait," I said.

We were in the doorway and I shoved her out. I pushed her up against the wall and kissed her. I kissed her for a long time and I bit her lip. She whimpered. That's when Percy came out. He looked back and forth and then cameras were out. Annabeth was glaring at me and before I knew it, Percy punched me in the face and I blacked out. The last thing I saw was a pretty ring on Annabeth's left ring finger. She was engaged. To Percy.

||Jason Grace||

Percy looks mad. MAD mad. He walked into the limo without notice and when we were all in, he slammed the door shut. Annabeth was trying to get a seat next to him, but he moved to the other side of the window and stared out of it with no interest. Annabeth looked red with rage anyway, so she also looked out of the window. I looked at Piper, who looked at me. We both shrugged and got in the car. Thalia even noticed something was wrong.

Percy swung the limo door open once we stopped and got into the house faster than I can imagine. I saw him walk to his room and slam the door shut. I heard a click of a lock and Annabeth began to stare at the door. I looked at Piper, who looked at Annabeth.

"Come on, Annabeth," Piper said gently.

Annabeth followed Piper, but her eyes were still fixed on Percy's door. Piper sat her down and took out a glass of water.

"Tell me what happened," she said.

"Mark dragged me out of the house and kissed me. He harassed me. Percy saw and..." she cried.

"Annabeth," Piper soothed, "You guys went through so much. Do you really think he'd believe you left him?"

"His face, though," Annabeth sniffled, "He wouldn't talk to me."

"We'll sort this out, okay?" Piper said, stroking Annabeth's hair.

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