Chapter 13

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||Percy Jackson||

I woke up on the boat, which was now in the trees. I groaned and shifted and my body screamed in pain. I touched the boat and it shrunk into a small compact that could fit in my duffel bag. My dragon grew into full size and spoke in my mind.

I see them, Percy. I see them.

"You do?" I whispered.

I fumbled in my duffel bag before sipping some nectar and popping ambrosia in my mouth. I got up and applied more dragon blood onto my wounds to make sure they were okay.

"Alright," I said aloud, "Sitos... I'll need you to be a brave guy, okay? Let's go kick some... what butt?"


"Let's go kick some giant butt."

I hopped on his back and shouldered my duffel bag on my good shoulder. We flew up into the air and I let out a battle cry.

||Annabeth Chase||

I could tell we were going to be forced to give up. The giants were still fighting and we were growing weaker and weaker. I was laying on the floor and I felt like I wanted to pass out for eternity. All of the demigods stopped fighting and we gathered behind the giants, trying to hide.

"It's no use..." Jason slurred from where he was on the floor.

"We might as well die heroes," Piper whispered weakly.

We stumbled back out and braced ourselves for death. Just as we were about to face it, we heard a battle cry. I looked up to see a figure hurtling through the sky on another winged figure. As it came closer, I saw him. Percy. All the giants froze. I looked in wonder at the dragon he was riding. The dragon let out magnificent blue flames. The giants all squeaked in terror and one stuttered.

"I-It's Aprositos! We're all doomed!" Polybotes let out a deafening wail.

"GIANTS! SURRENDER!" Percy shouted.

"SEA SCUM!" Polybotes totally forgot about the dragon and charged.

Percy rolled his eyes.

"Get him, Sitos!"

The dragon flew down and Percy took out his sword. He slashed Polybotes in half and he disintegrated. Just like that. Wait... that wasn't possible! The giants all screamed in terror and Percy flew his dragon nearer.

"Fire, boy! Fire!" Percy screamed.

The dragon let out the blue flames again and half of the giants burst into golden dust. The other half fled. Percy chased after them and we all shakily got up. We had no ambrosia so all we could do was wait. After five minutes, Percy's figure came flying down and he got off of his dragon. Aprositos shrunk down to the size of a small puppy and leaped into Percy's hair, making a nest. Percy laughed and scratched the bottom of its chin affectionately. He noticed all of our wounds and took out a large thermos of nectar and a bag full of ambrosia. He also took out some bandages and snacks.

"I believe Coach Hedge could use these," Percy said, smirking as Coach Hedge's face lightened up.

"NECTAR AND AMBROSIA!" he squealed like a little kid before rubbing the nectar into our wounds and bandaging us up.

Percy handed us bags of chips and juice boxes. He took out a blue bag of chips and began to chomp on it.

"Okay... long story short, Aprositos was my quest... apparently all heroes died but for some odd reason I wasn't killed and Semystra never told me why... but the favor was her getting some of his blood which apparently can cure like... EVERYTHING so that's why she needed it and then she put me on this boat and sent me here with the stream and then Aprositos heard you guys and saw the giants, so we flew over and he blew his flames which can actually kill immortals so these giants aren't coming back unless they escape the Void so yeah," Percy grinned like nothing strange had happened.

"Um..." Jason looked around.

I wanted to slap him but he had bandages on which signaled that he had been hurt pretty badly and I didn't have the strength to be mad at him.

"So... where's Hecate?"

"She's being held at Mount Rushmore. If we can travel by van, that'll be cool. Semystra gave me this super cool gift that makes like every vehicle! She said that it was just a gift but honestly. Who gives people that?" Percy said.

He looked at the boat and he began to laugh when he saw SEAWEED BRAIN.

"Okay... so... all aboard the SEAWEED BRAIN!" he laughed before we all stumbled back onto the ship.

"Wait... the bolt cutters!" I remembered what we had battled for.

"Eh... I took them," Percy got them out of his pocket.

We all laid down in the infirmary and Coach Hedge removed all of Percy's bandages. Percy winced and Coach began to turn really pale.

"Holy..." he whispered.

"Yeah. It's bad. It's getting better. Here, use some blood," he took out a big bottle of purple stuff.

"Wait... this is seriously like... this is Aprositos's blood?!"

"Yeah... it was my favor to Semystra now go," Percy said.

Coach applied it to all of our wounds and Percy gingerly applied his own, wrapping new bandages around his wounds... which looked horrible. We all walked out of the infirmary and Percy rolled out a picture of Mount Rushmore.

"Okay, Hecate is being kept in Abraham Lincoln's face. The entrance is at the foot of George Washington and the passcode to the keypad is 1900. So... we have to find her. In that monument. And abandon my lovely ship," Percy wiped away fake tears.

We all laughed and we sailed until we saw a beach. We got off the ship and it disappeared. Percy took out a weird compact and it expanded into a large RV van.

"C'mon! Get in," Percy hopped in and Coach Hedge got the wheel.

"I've got the first shift, cupcakes. Here we go!"

We all settled down in the really nice RV and felt the car take off. We were coming. I looked at the calendar. We had a week left of this mission and then we had to make... a choice? Anyway, we hung out, watching movies and eating a lot of M&Ms.

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