Chapter 25

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||Jason Grace||

I looked at the dude in front of me.

"Hello, I'd like to make a reservation spot at the beach," I said.

"What for?"

"My wedding," the guy gave me a really weird look, "You look seventeen! How are you getting married?"

"Look. We are getting married. Just reserve the spot and be done, okay?" I was really irritated with this guy.

The dude just put his hands up in surrender and reserved my spot.

"Your reservation is complete," he said.

Our wedding was today. I fingered the wedding ring and sighed happily.

 I fingered the wedding ring and sighed happily

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I pocketed it and reviewed who was coming.

Chiron, the campers, the Olympians, all my friends, um... Beryl Grace...

I looked over to where Thalia was busy putting on her bridesmaids dress. Gods, she would kill me after this...

||Annabeth Chase||

Thanks to the moments I shared with Percy at night, I was getting no more nightmares. I could sleep alone without having to wake him to do it again. Anyway, I placed the intricate bridesmaids dress on. It was beautiful.

"And it had to be pink," Thalia groaned

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"And it had to be pink," Thalia groaned.

"C'mon, Thals. It looks good with your eyes," Hazel reasoned.

"I'm only wearing this because of the wedding. Other than that, I'm never wearing this dress again," Thalia grumbled.

We walked to the beach to see the many cakes and things being carried over by helpers.

"So," I walked over to Percy, "Practiced your tricks yet?"

"Yep," he said.

We all sat down and people arrived. Jason stood next to Hera, who was reciting the vows. Pretty soon, beautiful music had begun and Piper walked in. She was smiling crazily and giggling. Her dress dragged in the sand and her veil was catching bits of seaweed. She walked over to where Jason was and looked him dead in the eye.

"Hello," Hera said, "We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Piper McLean and Jason Grace. They are young, but love remains. Our children and their lives aren't long, so it's better to be married before you die."

"Way to get this party started," Percy muttered under his breath.

Hera sent him a look and continued talking on and on for about five minutes before she began the vows.

"Do you, Piper McLean, take Jason Grace as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Piper's voice quivered a bit with excitement.

"Do you, Jason Grace, take Piper McLean as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Jason was clear and confident.

"Then, I hereby pronounce you... HUSBAND AND WIFE! You may kiss the bride," she added afterwards.

They kissed and we began to clap loudly. Jason and Piper smiled as they walked down the aisle together. Piper and Jason Grace. I couldn't be happier.


||Ron Weasley||

Here's the one thing I thought I'd never say.

I don't know who Harry Potter is.

Well... guess what? I can say it and it'll be true. Harry Potter was a nice guy, free of any ego, who always hid from the cameras. He was a humble person who never tried to dictate anything, especially a school. I'm pretty sure I never knew who Harry was because he acts like a turd! Even Hermione thinks so.

"Who does he think he is?!" Hermione seethed, "He just had the house elves embroider his name on each and every piece of cutlery!"

"It's even worse than saying that slavery is okay," I shivered.

I saw it. Harry. He was riding his broom and making house elves drag a big stone statue of him in the dining hall. That's when Hermione snapped. She crept over behind a door and waved her wand. Bluebell flames exploded all over the statue and it began to disintegrate. We both ran before Harry could catch us.

"BLOODY HELL!" he yelled.

"Who the bloody hell does he think he is?" I groaned.

"Well, if he makes us wear tattoos of his face tomorrow we're giving him a trip to the infirmary," Hermione said.

"Yes," I agreed, "Brilliant."

Fred and George looked really annoyed.

"Let me guess," Fred held up his hand before I could say anything, "Harry had the house elves put up his statue in the dining hall."

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"One of the house elves told us," George shrugged.

"Well, Hermione set it aflame," I shrugged.

"Bloody hell! That is brilliant!"

"I still can't believe he was put into Gryffindor! Gryffindor is for the brave not the selfish," I groaned.

"Even mum thinks that his ego has gone overboard," Fred agreed.

"Hey, have you noticed that huge mansion that no one can afford here in London?" George asked.


"Well, there's a dude who's living in it now, but he's from America!"

"Uh... how the bloody hell do you know this?" I asked.

"We saw it when we snuck out to buy candies the other day," Fred shrugged.

"Well, Hogwarts will let us out tomorrow, so we will be free of Harry for some time," I sighed.

"Wrong, he's supposed to stay with us," George said, rolling his eyes.

"Well... we can try to ignore him," I looked at my siblings.

"Well... if you have to suffer through that, I don't think I'll let you do it alone," Hermione said.

"You don't mean--"

"I'm gonna come over and stay the summer at your house. My mum and dad probably don't mind," she shrugged.

I nodded and smiled.

"We're gonna have the--"

"Don't push it, Ron. You're still dumb," Hermione held up her hand and walked off.

Harry came in and looked as if he expected us to bow to him. When we did nothing, he rolled his eyes and gave us that dark green gaze of his.

"Weasley, Weasley, Weasley Jr, and Granger. Hello," Harry said.

"Since when did you call us by our last names?" I asked.

"Since I am the boy who lived I can call you whatever I want. If I survive a curse it's for reason," he said.

"If it's to annoy us, you're right," Hermione muttered under her breath.

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