Chapter 10

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||Thalia Grace||

I shakily pulled out Aegis and whacked aside a plate headed for my face. Then... I remembered. Annabeth. Annabeth was still in her room! I shakily made my way to the door, breaking the lock with my lightning. I swung Annabeth's door open and I found her pressed against the ceiling... to be fair, I was too. I saw blood splattering the wood above her and her eyes were closed. I dodged as a chair split in half next to me and dragged her with me into the main room just as the whole door fell off.

"Thalia!" Jason yelled, handing me a parachute.

I grabbed it and when everyone had their packs on, Leo opened the bottom compartment. I squinted my eyes shut and I handed Annabeth to Jason. I was falling. My stomach was knotting and when I could see land coming I pressed the button and I shot upwards on the parachute. We were all floating and Annabeth woke up in a... not-so-fabulous setting.

"AH! AH! AH!" she screamed as she thrashed.

She almost fell if Jason hadn't caught her again.

"Annabeth! Calm down!" I yelled.


That's when we heard a deafening boom as the Argo II exploded into a million pieces on the ground. Smoke curled from the wreckage and you could practically feel the heat waves from where we were in the air. Annabeth stared in shock. She then winced and put her hand up to her head. Her honey-blonde curls were matted with dried blood and there seemed to be a head wound.

"Oof... you must've hit your head," Coach Hedge said from his parachute.

"T-Thalia? You're in the air! I thought you had a fear of h--"

"Shut up!" I snapped and Annabeth's mouth closed.

"Thalia?" Jason looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"They won't judge you," Annabeth gave me a look.

"This is a really weird time but... I-I'm afraid of heights," I stammered.

"A daughter of Zeus? Afraid of heights?" Clarisse muttered.

"Hey, mind muttering a lot quieter?" I grumbled.

We reached the earth and I kissed the floor. Immediately, I recoiled, spitting and drinking as much water as I could.

"Shit! I just kissed Gaia's face!" I spluttered.

We began to laugh before Leo looked grim.

"We're gonna have to fix this ship," he looked to the remains of the Argo II.

||Percy Jackson||

"Ah! What are you doing to me?!" I yelled at the nymph who simply looked at me calmly.

"It's the partial pain you have to go through. Your task is near impossible, my dear," she smiled.

"What?!" I yelled, doubling over as another pain wave hit me.

"In order to pass the boundaries in the realm of a deep coma you're about to go through, you'll need that pain the whole time. Anyway, in the dream realm, you'll find a dragon who hasn't been recorded in mythology because all heroes who try to get it die. It's called Aprositos. Its flames are deadly to all primordials except for one... but that doesn't matter. I need a small container of his blood to cure diseases. Good luck, my boy... hopefully you'll come out alive," she smiled.

Thats when I crumpled and my world sunk into blackness.

||Nico Di Angelo||

I looked at Leo's face.

"Oh... Festus," he sighed, looking at the remains of the battleship.

"D-Don't worry... you can fix him, right?" Piper asked worriedly.

"No. Pipes, I can't," Leo pinched his eyebrows and looked sadly at his destroyed battleship.

"H-How are we gonna get back? We're stranded in some sort of island in the middle of nowhere!" Thalia looked at the sea sadly.

"I can try to fly?" Jason looked at the sky.

"Maybe we can ask Poseidon for help," Annabeth suggested from the place Coach Hedge was treating her.

"We've got no ambrosia and if we stay here we'll get devoured by monsters for sure," Reyna agreed.

"O-Okay, I'll send a prayer," I heard Will say as he knelt on the ground.

After a while, Will sighed, looking at the waves. When we were about to give up, a large boat with letters on the side appeared.


"All aboard the SEAWEED BRAIN!" Rachel yelled, then she crinkled her nose.

We boarded and Leo got the ship running. We were coming. It was all going to be okay.


I slipped my arms under Percy and watched his sleeping face. He was handsome. I carried him over to the bed I had set up in the middle of the woods. The sun shone directly onto him and it was a perfect resting place. I knew he wouldn't survive. I couldn't bear to give the hero no credit for such hard work. I was about to leave, but then... I looked at the whites of his eyes. His eyes hadn't closed, but it was a regular sign. They would close eventually. He was still conscious.

I kissed him and pulled away.

"Goodnight, Percy. Have a good sleep," I whispered before heading back to the stream.

||Percy Jackson||

Okay, first of all, when you're in the darkness it doesn't mean you don't feel things. I knew I was on a bed but then I was pulled into some scene. Okay... I was in the middle of a city. There were the ghosts of the heroes who had tried. They spotted me and gasped.

"A new hero?" a hero stepped forward and I took a step back.

"Whoa... who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Odysseus. I am a hero said to have died a different death... but I died here. With Semystra," he sighed.

"Oh... I'm guessing you're my half-brother, Theseus," I said, pointing to a guy with ocean blue eyes.

"Whoa... my dad had more children?"

I shouldered my way through the heroes but one stopped me.

"Whoa... whoa. You don't wanna go in there. We tried and... well... you can see what happened to us," he motioned to all the dead souls.

"Um... thanks for the advice," I opened the doors to the dragon's lair.

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