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We walked in. Will and a girl were sitting on the couch. She had the most shocked look on her face.

"What are you supposed to be today?" Will sighed.

"I'm really supposed to be anything except the living definition of obscure." I shrugged.

"Who are you?" The girl eventually got out.

"That is my boyfriend; Jordan. Jordan, meet Emily; Will's girlfriend." Taylor introduced. I pulled my mask down.

"You're either a drug addict, a transvestite, or both." Emily insisted.

We all died of laughter. Well, everyone but her. She was dead serious.

"More of a teenager who strives on attention with daddy issues and sometimes smokes pot... So basically, yeah." I replied.

Taylor then pulled me upstairs to her room. I took my hood off and she closed the door. I thought for a second.

"Why did you tell Devon he could hang out with us tomorrow, and what do you have planned?" I finally asked.

"Because he overheard that conversation between your mom and dad too. Yeah, you did. But you're 17, he's only 13." I looked down. "And tomorrow I thought me, you, Jenny, Caleb, and Devon could go to the mall or something."

"Okay. Let's call Caleb and tell him the plan. Since we're gonna have to take his van cause it's the only one of our vehicles that'll fit all of us." I insisted. I was about to call when I stopped and looked at her. "I think I'm actually gonna go back home after I call. Cause I feel like a shit brother."

"I think that's a good idea." She agreed smiling. I then called Caleb.

"What do you need?" He picked up the phone.

"Hey, so Taylor promised Devon that he could hang out with us tomorrow. So I just called to tell you the plan for tomorrow." I began.

"Cool. What's the plan?"

"So at like noon you'll start picking up Jenny and Taylor, then lastly Devon and I. Then we'll all just go to the mall or whatever" I explained.

"Alright, see you then." He then hung up.

"I'm gonna go now. Love you." I said.

"Love you more." She whispered.

We then kissed. She pulled my mask back up over my nose and smiled. I put my hood on then left. I walked into the house.

"Where did you go?" Mom asked.

"I went to Taylor's." I answered.

"We let you wear a lot of things. But you look li-"

Before my dad could finish I went down to my room. I unlocked the door and walked in. I sat on the edge of my bed. A few minutes later Devon walked in too.

"Dad's really pissed at you." He announced.

"And I'm supposed to care why? He's a prick who doesn't deserve any of my attention." I sneered. He just sighed and sat next to me. I continued looking at my phone. "So tomorrow Caleb's gonna pick us up at noon. We're all going to the mall."

"Can I talk to you?" He asked. I put my phone next to me and looked at him.

"What's up?"

"I really look up to you. You're really cool and don't care what people think. Which I really admire." He admitted. I smirked a little. "And I wanna be like you. Not as extreme and drastic as you. Like I don't want to walk around in public half naked and  get my tongue split. But... Y'know."

"Well we're going to the mall tomorrow. I'll take you to my favorite store."

"Thank you. You're the best brother."

We talked and joked around until it was dark out. He then went up to his room and I stayed in mine. And we went to bed.

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