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I was downstairs in my room finishing up getting ready to go to a concert. I had red and black tripp pants and combat boots on. As a top I had a fishnet shirt and black tape covering my nipples. I put on a collar and makeup. I took a picture of the look and posted it

I got a text from Caleb saying that they're here. I ran upstairs. I had to be sneak out of the front door.

I've worn many obscure things out of the house and my parents let me. But this would most definitely cross the line.

I ran to the van and got in the back. There's no seats in the back so I was sitting on the floor. Caleb and Jenny were sitting up front and Taylor and I were sitting in the back. They were all looking at me.

"What the actual fuck." Jenny finally got out.

"Just drive. Ignore me." I sighed. Corey began to drive.

"And you're alright with your boyfriend wearing that?" Jenny asked Taylor.

"He's worn worse." Taylor shrugged.

When Jenny turned back around I kissed Taylor on the cheek. I then had to wipe off the little bit of black lipstick I accidentally left. Which just made her giggle.

We soon got to the venue. KoRn was playing. We had fake IDs so we could get drinks.

About 2 hours later I ended up wandering away from them.

"Hey dude! You look like someone who would like this!" A man said to me.

I looked at him confused. I then saw 3 lines of cocaine on the table.

"Are you sure? How much is it?"

"It's free man!"

I snorted all 3 lines and felt it hit me almost immediately.

"Thanks my guy!" I thanked. I ran back to the bar where my friends were.

"Where the hell did you go?" Caleb asked.

"I don't know! But I just did some cocaine and I feel fucking great!" I replied. Their eyes widened.

"Excuse me... But what did you just say?" Taylor questioned.

"Yeah. This like really nice dude liked my look and offered me some lines." I elaborated.

"Ok, we're leaving." Jenny insisted.

"What? But I'm having a good time." I was confused.

"We're not gonna babysit you." Alice declared.

They then took me home. I went straight to bed.

I woke up the next morning face down under my bed in only my briefs. I felt like legitimate death. I saw Caleb, Jenny, and Taylor and heard them talking. They were sitting on the beanbags.

"Duuude. What the fuck happened?" I groaned.

"Get the hell out of there." Caleb demanded.

I crawled out. And laid on my back on my bed. It hurt too much to sit up.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Taylor asked.

"I-I remember doing cocaine and going to bed." I responded.

"Well then you were fucking hallucinating the going to bed part." Jenny giggled.

"We got to a red light on the way home and you opened the door and jumped out of the van. You then ran to the park and climbed up a tree. We tried to get you down but you'd only hiss at us like a damn cat." Taylor began. "A raccoon began tearing apart your shirt so you jumped down and sprinted back to the van."

"We brought you back home and snuck you downstairs so your parents wouldn't find out. You stripped then hid under your bed and cried about how much you love Taylor and also tacos." Caleb continued it.

"We stayed here because we were too tired to go home." Jenny finished.

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