4 years later

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It's been 4 years. I'm now 21, I let my hair go back to it's natural color and just grown it out. I'm still in St. Louis and have began a new life. To be honest, I've been a lot happier here.

I have my own apartment and a cat named Chester. I have been with a girl named Ruby for about 2 years now. She lives on the same floor as me and is a year younger. And she's truly the love of my life. And she feels the same way. She knows about what I did, and fully supports it.

I haven't had contact with anyone from California since I left. They all do cross my mind occasionally. But not not much recently.

I was getting ready for today. Ruby and I were going to the zoo. I took a shower and got dressed. For some reason I had a feeling that something was gonna happen. But I just ignored it.

There was then a knock on my door. I opened it up and it was Ruby. She was wearing an off white sundress.

"We're going to the zoo. Are you trying to impress the animals?" I joked.

"You're the only animal I plan to impress." She replied with a smirk.

"Well that's not too hard for you to do."

We then left. We walked throughout the zoo holding hands. We walked to the bug house.

"Nope. Not going in there." I declined.

"Oh c'mon. You big baby." She insisted.

"I'm not a baby. I'm just sane." I rolled my eyes.

"Do you have a problem with babies?" She asked.

"Well I have a problem with being called a baby." I chuckled.

"What about baby daddy?" I looked at her confused. "Surprise!" My jaw dropped.

"No way." I barely got out. She held both of my hands.

"I'm pregnant Jordan." She whispered. I hugged her tight picked her up a little.

"No way, no way, no way." I kept repeating.

"Yes way." She giggled. I kissed her and put her down.

"Let's go get ice cream to celebrate!" I responded.

"You're going in the the bug house." She demanded.

I groaned and walked in. Holding her hand tight. I saw a Black Widow spider and nodded a little.

"I accept your existence. But plan to leave you alone from a few miles distance away." I declared.

I then turned around and walked back out. She sighed and followed me.

"You have tour tongue split, yet are terrified of bugs." She pointed out.

"Hey. Bugs have nothing to do with my teen rebellion." I chuckled.

We then went to the zoo ice cream parlor. We both got an ice cream cone and got a table.

"Those people keep glancing at us." Ruby said.

I looked glanced at the table she was pointing at and my eyes widened.

"Oh my God." I gasped quietly. I quickly hid my face.

"Who are they?"

"Remember the people I mentioned once, months and months ago? Taylor, Jenny, and Caleb?" She nodded her head yes. "Well that's fucking them."

They then started to approach us. Fuck. Ruby put my hands down uncovering my face.

"Hi... Sorry to bother you. But you look a lot like someone we know." Caleb greeted.

"Hi guys..." I sighed. They all gasped and hugged me tight.

"I can't believe it's you!" Taylor declared.

"How have you been!?" Jenny added. They then let go.

"I've been good." I answered. This was really awkward for me. "I've been living here. And I got an amazing girlfriend. Guys, meet Ruby. Ruby, meet Taylor, Caleb, and Jenny."

"It's very nice to meet you. I would say I heard a lot about you, but he only really mentioned you once." Ruby replied.

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