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It's been 9 months. We decided on the names Gavin, Ian, and Jason. We moved into a house that's big enough for all of us. I've grown to the idea of having 3 boys, and have began to really really like the idea. But I can tell that Ruby really wants a girl.

I was sitting on the couch playing on my phone.

"Jordan!" I heard from the other room.

"What is it babe?!"

"Jordan! Get in the car! It's time!"

I gasped and jumped up. I picked her up, grabbed the bag, and ran to the car. She laughed a little.

I called her mom and told her what's happening. We soon got to the hospital and got a room.

Some nurses and doctors came in and got everything ready. I stood by Ruby an held her hand.

"Okay Ruby. When I say push, you gotta push." The doctor said.

"Okay." Ruby agreed.

After what felt like an eternity the babies were eventually born. Her parents and sister came in, as the babies went out.

"Are you alright honey?" Her mom asked. She shook her head no.

"I've never been yelled at so much in my life. And that's saying hell of a lot." I admitted.

"What do you mean by that's saying a lot?" Her dad questioned me.

"By that I mean it wasn't unusual for me to get yelled at for hours at a time when I was a teenager." I elaborated.

"Go get a doctor." Ruby insisted.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I said someone get get a doctor. Now." She demanded.

Emma ran out. And got a doctor and nurse. By the time the they got in here Ruby blacked out. I was so confused and was panicking.

They hooked her up to a machine that monitors her heartbeat.

It started to slow down. I dropped down on my knees held onto her hand tight. Tears began to stream down my face.

"Please stay with me. Please Ruby. I need you." I begged.

Doctors and nurses were doing all that they can to keep her alive. There was then one long beep. I began to cry. And cry. And cry. The love of my life just died in front of me. Before we could even ever get married. I was probably crying more than her parents.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. We did all we could do." The doctor apologized.

They then had to take her out. I sat on the floor in egg position covering my face and continued crying.

I took deep breaths. Right now is when I had to make a decision. Stay here. Or move back to California. It had to be the right decision for the boys. I had to build up an ability speak.

"I'm moving back to California with the boys." I announced.

"You can do that!" Her mom hissed. "First I loose my daughter! And now you plan to take my grandbabies away from me too!?"

"I'm not making this decision for me. I'm making it for them. You guys treat me like crap. And I don't want them around that." I began. "I'm gonna be a single dad now, of 3. And I have family down there who can and will help out."

"I think you're just running from your problems again." Her dad implied.

"Dad. He's doing this for Jason, Ian, and Gavin. And you're trying to stop him from giving them a good and healthy life. That's just next level fucked up. He's trying to be a good father." Emma stood up for me.

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