Chapter 14

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"That is a pretty necklace," one of Dimitri's neighbours says, gesturing to the ring necklace he had given me back in St. Petersburg. I bring my hand up to touch it as my gaze moves towards Yeva sitting in the chair across from me. Her lips turn up to what could be described as a smile before she turns her attention to one of her great-grandchildren.

"Thank you. Dimitri gave it to me as a late birthday gift," I reply as I bring my attention back to the young women sitting next to me. "I believe it belonged to Yeva."

The young dhampir smiles at me with a skeptical look most mothers have when interacting with a woman in love, I suppress an eye roll. I know things are different in the dhampir communities but being young and in a relationship shouldn't be any different here.

"Babushka knew you were the one for me before I even left Russia," Dimitri says catching the end of our conversation and sitting down on the log next to me. Handing me a cup of water, I thank him and bring it to my lips.

"But don't you want to have children? It is partly our duty as women to produce more dhampirs," the woman beside me says off-handily and I choke on my water, spitting it out and missing the back of Paul's head as he sat by my feet. The other people sitting close by halt their conversations to look at the commotion, a few giving the woman beside me harsh glances.

"Anna! That was disrespectful," one of the older women next to Yeva scolds across the fire. Still sputtering for air, Dimitri rubs my back and casts a glare at Anna next to us.

"I don't see how that is any of your business," I choke out between breaths. Anna doesn't seem to understand that what she has said comes across as inappropriate and pushes on.

"I'm not being disrespectful Babushka; I'm simply stating that we are supposed to be mothers and help provide for our race. Not running around pretending to be Guardians when we aren't. You don't even carry stakes," Anna states with a harsh tone.

I look at her and wonder how much self-control I need to have not to punch her right in that malicious grinning face. I though dhampirs were above demeaning each other, especially women.

"Just because Rose does not carry her stakes with her, does not mean she isn't a Guardian. She has more marks than anyone here, including myself. Show a little respect. Rose and I being together does not mean we do not want to protect and provide. Female guardians are highly sought after and almost always well-known. Just because you have chosen a different path does not make Rose's choices lesser or invalid. Your own sisters are guardians, for God's sake Anna!" Dimitri says to Anna coldly as I finally catch my breath and calm myself.

Anna huffs and stands to leave, and I am still sitting there shocked. "I'm sorry," Dimitri whispers while placing a kiss on my temple. I nod, not wanting to voice the pain that her statement caused. If she noticed I wasn't carrying stake, who else noticed?

"Rose, did you hear what I said?"

I'm snapped back from my thoughts to see Sonya staring at me intently. I must have zoned out.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I ask her, clearing my throat.

"I said do you want to hold Katya for a moment. I have to run to the bathroom," Sonya says gesturing to the baby in her arms. I smile and reach out to take her, dragging my feet up onto the chair and lean against the back. Katya stares up at me with her big brown eyes and I am immediately filled with peace. How can you not when holding something so innocent and pure? Her perfect cupid bow lips open and close while she moves her arms around. Resting her against my legs I coo at her, running my finger softly over her pudgy cheeks.

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