Chapter 22

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Waving to Sydney after leaving our coffee date, Dimitri and I head back to London for some shopping. Coffee was nice, it was good to talk to Sydney and catch up on what she's been up to since I went back to the academy and graduated. She was relocated to the U.S. and was a little alarmed when Abe contacted her again but was pleasantly surprised to find out I was here too.

Heading back to London to do a little shopping, windows rolled down and enjoying the crisp early fall air, I look over at Dimitri and feel my heart soar. He doesn't look like the badass, strigoi-killing-god, he looks like the young 24-year-old he is. Dressed in casual clothes, his duster and his hair tied at the nape of his neck, I ogle at him a little.

"Why are you staring Rose?" Dimitri says placing his hand on my leg and rubbing his thumb in soft circles against the denim of my jeans.

"You're handsome, you know that?" I chirp and take his hand in mine. He smiles at me before returning his attention to the road.

"So... there was a place I saw on the drive from the airport that I would really like to try," I quip to Dimitri and send me a man-eating smile.

"And what would that be?" he asked, squeezing my hand. Dimitri has been trying to coerce me into eating better for the babies, but all I crave lately is french fries - chilli cheese fries to be exact. He slips veggies in when he can, but this place he can't force them on me.

"New York Fries!" I say with an even bigger smile, bouncing in my seat a little at the prospect of food for my never-ending appetite. He tilts his head back against the headrest and groans a little, not liking the idea of my junk food. "The babies really want it," I add, rubbing my stomach with our intertwined hands.

Hook. Line. Sinker.

Tell him that the babies want the food or bring them up in general and he melts into the palm of my hand.

"You can't say that every time you want something Rose," he chuckles, pulling our hands to his mouth and kissing the back of mine then placing them back in my lap. I wag my eyebrows at him, and he smirks knowing that I have him exactly where I want him.

I tilt my head against the door frame and smile, closing my eyes and moving my face so it is basking in the sun.


"Wake up, krasivyy." Dimitri says placing a chaste kiss on my cheek. I snap my eyes open and see him standing next to me, holding the door open. I yawn and pick up my bag from the floor of the car and hop out, stretching my arms and raising onto my toes.

"I still don't know what you're saying. You could be calling me a whale," I joke and kiss his lips. He chuckles and rolls his eyes at me.

Walking through the stores was nice, going at a leisurely pace, but I could still spot the other guardian's wandering around. Now I know how Lissa feels being tailed by guardians. Go through multiple stores, picking out some jeans and tops, a few shoes and a dress before heading to the maternity store. Part of me is wishing Mom came with us for this part, I'm completely clueless on what I need and Dimitri wouldn't know much either.

Wandering in and looking around at the clothes for a few minutes before one of the sales woman approach me.

"Hi, anything I can help you find?" she asks politely, clasping her hands in front of her.

"Yes. I have not idea what I need. Kind of new at this," I say gesturing to my belly. She laughs and nods her head before stirring me through the store, pointing out clothing and products to try. She emphasized on the hydration cream, saying it was a dream when she had her child. I look back around the store to find Dimitri over looking at baby clothing.

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