Chapter 31

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Stirring from sleep, I wipe my eyes and try to adjust to the darkness of the room. Dr. Chu asked that I stay overnight because my blood pressure hasn't come down as it should have after delivery. Looking over at the bassinets that are across from me, I see Artyom sleeping away, his nose twitching like Dimitri's does and I smile. Looking over to see Nadia, her bassinette is empty and my heart lurches. I bolt upright, gasping at the soreness of my body and try to get out of bed.

"Roza, what's wrong?" Looking over, Dimitri is sitting in the rocking chair by the window with his arms crossed.

"Where's Nadia?"

He smiles and looks down to his crossed arms, moving to the side to see her nestled there with her big brown eyes open. I let out a breath of relief and slump back into the bed. "She started fussing about ten minutes ago, I didn't want her to wake you or Artyom so I figured I could have some Papa time since you've hogged them while you are awake," he says softly, not taking his eyes off of Nadia, stroking her sweet cheek.

"I have not been hogging, I just couldn't stand to put them down," I say, smiling at the sight in front of me. To be fair, I did hog them but I didn't want them out of my arms.

The only time I let them out of my arms was to let Dimitri hold them, and when the nurses took them to run their screening tests. He chuckles and lifts her to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to her head and moving to hold her to his chest.

"Have you slept?" I whisper and he shakes his head, tilting his head back and closing his eyes. Poor guy hasn't slept well since being kicked to the guest room, and if he's still up at three in our morning, he must be exhausted.

"I'm fine, I wanted you to get your rest."

I smile and shake my head, pulling myself up and stand, shuffling towards the bathroom.

"Do you need help?" he asks, and I snort a laugh. The first time trying to go to the bathroom was interesting, to say the least. I thought it was weird that the nurse followed me in with a squirt bottle, but when I went to do my business, I understood. It burned, and I thought I was going to die.

Doing my business and changing the post-partum pad, I wash my hands and shuffle back out to hear Nadia whimpering and snuffling in Dimitri's arms. I hobble to the bed and sit down, unclipping the gown and putting my hands out towards him. He places her in my arms and sits back down while I bring Nadia to my chest to feed. Not only does she look like me, but she has my appetite too.

"You can go to sleep you know, we're supposed to sleep while they sleep," I murmur as I switch sides. I look over at him only to stifle a laugh to see him fast asleep in the chair. After finishing Nadia's feeding and burping, I place her carefully back into the bassinette and take the blanket off the end of the bed, pulling it over Dimitri and kissing his cheek before climbing back into bed myself.


The next morning both me and the babies are discharged, and we are able to go home. Making sure they are nice and secure, I pice up Nadia's carrier and Dimitri picks up Artyom's and we head to the car. Heading through the halls, some staff stop to congratulates us, and some of the Guardians working smile or nod to us, but the happiest to see us was Dr. Carson.

"I heard that you came in yesterday, I'm glad to see you up already. How are you and the wee ones," Dr. Carson says, smiling at us and gesturing to the carriers.

"I'm ok, really sore and tired. But these two seem to be doing well," I say, turning the carrier in my hand to show him Nadia. Dr. Carson crouches down to look at her and a sad smile crosses his face.

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