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Five Years Later

"Nadia! Don't throw sand at your brother!" I call out, shaking my head at my child who seems to think that throwing sand at people is her job lately. I rest my hands behind me as I watch the twins play with the sand and rocks with a small smile on my face. Dimitri and I bought the house in Goderich from Abe shortly after our honeymoon and promised each other that we would make time to come up here for a few weeks each summer. We didn't change anything to the house except to convert two of the guest rooms into bedrooms for the kids.

The last few years have been amazing even with the few setbacks.

While the age law was revoked along with the Quorum, things seemed to settle down in our world until there was an attack at another academy four years ago. We lost a lot of Guardians, Novices, and Moroi that night. More than what we lost at St. Vladimir's. I was also devastated when Dimitri was called out to the academy to help with the rebuild and for the rescue mission. I begged for him not to go, and even pleaded with Croft, but Dimitri is still one of the best.

The six hours it took for the rescue mission were some of the hardest in my life, but when I got the single text from Dimitri stating that he was ok, I felt like I could breathe again. That happiness was short-lived when only a few hours later I started bleeding, unaware of the fact that I was pregnant and was in the process of miscarrying. Dimitri came home a few days later and took the news better than expected, but I think he was holding most of the pain back for my sake.

The only good thing that came out of the attack was that one person was restored. Sonya Karp. She was found on the outskirts of the academy by a few Guardians and a Spirit wielding Moroi, one of which was in the process of learning how to use Spirit by Lissa and Adrian.

Lissa and Christian blessed me with my godson two years ago, a young Jace Luca Ozera-Dragomir, a bouncing platinum blonde baby with the same eyes as his father. I was honoured to be named godmother and couldn't be happier for my best friend.

I watch Dimitri wander down to the water and lift the kids up into his arms and trudge into the lake, laughing at their squeals of excitement. While Dimitri has expressed he wants more kids, he hasn't been one to push for it, given the fact that not only did I miscarry after the rescue mission but again at the beginning of Lissa's pregnancy with Jace.

Speaking of Sonya, with her help we were able to develop a drug trial to help Dhampirs reproduce with other Dhampirs due to the mixture of Spirit that flows in both her and Dimitri's veins. Shortly after that, we were able to be open with the knowledge that Dimitri was the kids' father, not Adrian.

Adrian and Sydney just announced that they will be expecting their own bundle of joy in February, and the look of panic on Adrian's face when he told us was priceless. He had no idea how to handle the idea of being a father himself. Thankfully, Dimitri was able to diffuse that situation quickly.

I reach into my bag to pull out our packed lunches, getting it ready for the twins as they wander out of the water with large smiles on their faces. I grimace slightly as I look at the cold pizza I packed for Nadia, gagging at the sight of the pepperoni laden dough.

That was the first clue I got two weeks ago when I made some for lunch and the smell turned me off instantly. I smile to myself now nonetheless and brush my hand against my lower abdomen, revelling in the secret delight of what I will surprise Dimitri with tonight.


I close the door quietly after checking on the kids and tiptoe back to our bedroom and shut the door behind me. I smile at Dimitri who is laying in bed with his book in hand, his other hand behind his head. He looks up from the pages that hold his attention and gives me a lopsided grin. I untie my robe and lay it over the back of the chair, giving him a sly look. Underneath the waffle weave robe, I hide my sheer black robe and matching bra and panties and strut over to the bed.

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