The First Impression

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Hi my beautiful/ handsome readers.
This story, was my first ever story published on Wattpad. The first version, written in the year 2020, was badly written with a bad plot and an improper story line, and this REWRITTEN version might even be worse.

This book is as crappy as ever. Don't be fooled by the reads, it doesn't necessarily mean it's good. So if you can't even get through one chapter, I UNDERSTAND HON.
So please, PLEEASSSEEE, any mistakes you see, criticize it!
CRITICISM!!! ಠ⁠ಗ⁠ಠ

I hope you've heard me, if those block letters didn't do the trick, then you need a doctor's appointment💀

Words: 121]


Monday 6:20am

The place of terror...or the place of fun....or the place of memories...or the place of terrible pasts.
Highschool is a place were people get to express themselves. Whether you're a jock, a prep, a nerd, or all of them, highschool's got them all.
Highschool is the place were fun, exciting and many unexpected journeys will start...

...At least that's what my Teenage School Life magazine says.

A lot of other magazines, which I bought at the mall for twenty percent off, have different views of highschool. Just looking at the pile of my OTHER highschool themed magazines at the corner of my room would give you an idea.

When my dad gave me the offer a month ago, about going to a private highschool to be sociable with my mates and learn more about fitting in the good side of 'society', I had agreed.
But now that I'm starting my first day there, I'm regretting it. I wish I had the time to build a time machine to go back a month ago, warn my past self about my decision and change my future right now.

Well that's not gonna happen.
I had mixed feelings: nervousness and excitement. I think everyone feels this way when they transfer to a new school but that isn't my case. My situation would have been totally different if I had attended school before.
I have never gone to school before.. EVER!

Today was my first day in highschool, not as a freshman, as a newman. I'm starting highschool today from doing homeschool all my life.

I looked up to my door, hearing the lock code getting opened from outside. My door opened, letting out the normal sweet flower-scented smoke it usually released.
My mom came in, with a cupcake on a plate and a little flag in it, saying "Happy Highschool Year".
Is that even a thing?

"Good morning mom" I said throwing the last to three magazines at the pile of other magazines at the corner of my room.

"Good morning baby!! How did you sleep?" My mom said with a pretty smile. She was still wearing her royal blue robe and her curly blonde afro hair was in a ponytail.


"So I ironed the clothes you wanted to wear today. Ready for your first day in Highschool?" My mom asked as she dropped the cupcake on my bed side table.

"Thanks mom. And NO. I'm not ready. Infact I'm regretting my decision of going there" I said as I wore my panda themed designed slippers.
I stood up face to face with my mom.

"Oh honey but you know this is irreversible. Just a week ago, you were telling me you wanted to go to the mall to buy new school accessories. Besides you've taken and passed the entrance exam. They're no take backs now."

The Worst Journey Of High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now