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Bai Len look around the bar, she's with her co-workers slash friends celebrating the success of their work today.

"Look at that handsome man." Nana said to Len

Wei Nana is a good friend of Bai Len to the industry, they are close because Nana is a friendly person.

"You always said that someone is handsome even he is not." Len tease Nana

"No Len, I'm being serious, look at him." Nana said before pointing at the man who sitting at the bar counter.

Len also saw some girls giggling while watching the man.

"Someone have some guts to approach him?" Nana look surprise

Len and Nana look at the girl who approach the man, even they can't hear them. Len saw how the girl expression changed before stomping on the ground and walk away.

"He rejected her." Len said and Nana nods.

"Ladies who are you looking at the counter?" Jona another model asked

"That man is so handsome but he keeps rejecting the girls who is approaching him." Nana said to Jona

Len just shrugging her shoulder before drinking her tequila sunrise, she is just listening to them.

"Do you want to have a bet?" Jona suddenly asked while looking at the man at the counter

Len just shake her head on them because they are always crazy.

These two are the two person who is close to her, even they are crazy Len love them.

"What kind of bet?" Nana asked

"Let's approach that man, the person who will have longest conversation win." Jona said and Len just shake her head.

She's not interested with their crazy idea, why would they approach someone who is clearly wanted to have alone time.

"I'm in, who is going to approach him first?" Nana said

"I'm going first." Jona said before standing up walking to the man.

"Both of you are crazy." Len said to her friends and Nana just laugh but she got shock to see Jona came back immediately.

"What happened?" Nana asked

"He didn't even look at me." Jona said with displeased expression.

"He totally wants to be alone." Len said but Nana just shush her before walking alone

Jona and Len look at her approach the man, from the three of them, it's Nana who is friendly, she can hold conversation for too long.

But after Nana talk, they saw the man said something without also looking at her.

Nana came back to them pouting.

"He is totally snob." Nana said and Len just laugh because of her

"Hello girls." a man greeted them that made Len stop laughing.

"Hi." Nana and Jona greeted back but Len just continue drinking her drink.

"May I know your name ladies? I'm Joe by the way." The man said offering his hands.

"I'm Nana." Nana immediately received the hands of the man.

"I'm Jona." Jona said but she didn't shake the hands

"How about you?" The man look at Len but she just ignored her

"What about we join you ladies? My friends wants to meet new friends." The man asked but he is still looking at Len.

Len just sigh before she look around, she saw that the man on the counter reject another girl.

She look in front of her and now she saw the man who is introducing himself already have men behind him.

"I'm going first." Len said, Nana and Jona look at her with wide eyes, they are waiting for Len to reject the men in front of them, not Len leaving them.

"Where are you going?" Jona immediately asked and Len smirk

"We are playing remember? It's my turn now." Len said, Nana and Jona's mouth fell because of what they heard.

"She said it's crazy idea?" Nana said to Jona they are now ignoring the boys who approach them.

Len on the other hand, took the seat beside the man.

"I'm not interested." The man said and Len raise an eyebrow because of that and sign for the bartender to come.

"Five shots of tequila." Len said to the bartender who immediately nods and prepare her drinks.

"I'm not here because I'm interested." Len said back without looking at him

But this time the man look at her, for the first since he arrived at this bar, someone totally said she's not interested.

"Five shots of tequila." Bartender said putting down the shots in front of Len.

Len immediately drink one of the shots.

"Men went to my table and started to introduce themselves, I'm not interested that's why I came here." Len said

"I see." The man said he looks around and saw two girls on the table watching them with wide eyes.

The man frown because of that, he also saw men standing beside that table.

"My friends introduce themselves to you." Len said and now the man raise an eyebrow because of that

"The last two?" The man asked and Len nods

"That's why you approach me?" The man asked again

"No, like I said the boys approach the table and I'm not interested to them, it's better to stay here because I'm sure you want to be alone and you will not care." Len

"You are different." The man said

"Because I'm Bai Len, of course I'm going to be different." Len said even flipped her hair.

"Bai Len.." The man said before looking at the girl beside him.

He heard about that name before, to his co-workers, he also heard about the family name.

"The heiress of Bai family." The man said and Len look at him

"What about you? What is your name?" Len asked

"Lee Yuta." The man answer

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