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     When they all got to Slateport City the first thing they did was to head to the Pokemon center to have their pokemon healed and so they could relax then May dragged Ashlyn over to the nearest clothes shop for her to pick a dress for the contest while Alain was teaching Max all he knew about Mega Evolution

"What about this?" May asked wearing a pink Arabian princess style dress

"No it's too mature for you May and honestly I think uncle Norman may just get a heart attack if he saw you in that" Ashlyn explained before she brought out a blue dress with thin straps for the shoulders and hang off sleeves and an a line skirt that showed it many layers and it even had sophisticated embroidery of flowers at the bottom, belt and top of the dress

"How about this?" Ashlyn asked as she showed May

"Wow it's beautiful ah but the price is too high" May said sadly

"Don't think about that go on try it" Ashlyn said before pushing May into the dressing room with the dress

     A few minutes later May was smiling widely in the dress along with a pair of adorable sandles Ashlyn got and her new Mega Earring it was perfect and after paying for everything and buying ten ball capsule and seals plus a few surprises for the boys they were heading back to the Pokemon Center with wide smiles

"Wow Ashlyn-nee thank you" Max said as he tried on his new running shoes and book about normal type pokemon

"Yes thank you Ashlyn" Alain said as he ran a hand over his new leather journal that Ashlyn bought for him as well as a new jacket

"You're welcome we'll then let's head to dinner then" Ashlyn said smiling happily as she dressed Pikachu in a Charizard onesie he actually liked, gave Meowth a book about gadgets while May dressed Eevee in a Glaceon onsie

"Can we have ice cream after?" Max asked

"Depends you gonna eat all your vegetables?" Ashlyn asked back

"I will" Max promised

"Alright then but Meowth, Pikachu and Eevee will be checking beneath the table Max" Ashlyn said as they all went to the cafeteria

     The next morning Ashlyn and Alain were supervising May and her Pokemon training before a boy with green eyes and green hair wears a black long-sleeved shirt, a purple jacket, a pair of teal trousers and black shoes walked up to May only to insult her and her pokemon making Ashlyn see red and if it weren't for Alain holding her arm he swore that boy would be black and blue in no time

"I think you should go" Alain said to the green haired boy

"Hm why would I?" he asked smugly

"Because if you don't, I have a Charizard, Lucario and Pikachu who would love to destroy anyone who insults our family members now leave before I make you" Ashlyn said as she glared coldly at the green haired boy making him shiver and walk away with a tsk

"Thank you Ashlyn" May said sighing before looking at her pokemon "Don't listen to him you're all amazing and we'll beat him no sweat"

"That's my baby sis, now back to training we have about an hour before we have to meet with Captain Stern in the museum" Ashlyn said smiling before she called her Altaria to help Beautifly with Aerial maneuvers while Eevee was training with Pikachu on speed and ability

     After training they went or the center to get Max and then headed to the museum where they saw a huge crowd of people in front of it as well as a police line by the entrance which puzzles them all

"Ah children there you are" Captain Stern said waving them over and told the police to let them pass

"What was that all about Captain?" Max asked as he was led inside with in front of Alain while Ashlyn had May in front of her

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