Petalburg Woods

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After leaving Petalburg City behind Ashlyn and Alain were keeping an eye out for any hostile wild pokemon while Max was looking around excitedly and May looking around for a particular pokemon that she wanted

"Well do you think we should rest for a bit?" Ashlyn asked aloud

"Sure" Alain, Max, and May all agreed though May had a small frown

"What's wrong May?" Alain asked noticing the younger girls expression

"Oh nothing it's just I wanted to catch a Wurmple here so I could evolve it into a Beautifly but I haven't seen any yet," May said still frowning

"Don't worry May Petalburg Forest is large so we still have lots of time and besides the gym isn't going anywhere" Ashlyn said as she gave the packed lunches to everyone while Alain took care of the Pokémon food

"Hey that's right," May said happily before she started eating

"Well hey, Alain do you have other pokemon ?" Max asked as he eating his sandwich next to the older boy

"Yeah I actually have a Metagross," Alain said smiling

"Can you show us?" Max asked excited

"In return, we'll show ours," May said also excited

"Maybe after we eat you two," Ashlyn said sternly

"Alright," both of the younger trainers said pouting

"Alright then since we're all done eating Charizard, Metagross come out" Alain said throwing his pokeballs into the air

"Oh my turn Torchic time for you to meet Alain," May said throwing the chick pokemon's Pokeball up into the air

"You too Mudkip, Slakoth," Max said throwing the Mud Fish and Slacker pokemon's balls into the air

"Hestia, Lucario, Altaria, Absol, Treecko you too," Ashlyn said throwing two luxury balls, two premier balls, and one Pokeball into the air

"Three mega stones?" Alain asked Ashlyn

"Nee-san is just great at finding mega stones," Max said smiling

"Oh look a Wurmple!" May said excitedly as she saw the red worm pokemon but her excitement quickly disappeared when she saw its state it had bruises all over and it looked thin "Ashlyn look"

"That's not right," Ashlyn said before the Wurmple looked up at them and quickly went over to May

"Help my friends are being attacked by an evil human they need help Breloom can't take anymore" Wurmple pleaded

"Which way?" Pikachu asked before all trainers returned their pokemon and ran after towards where Wurmple said

When they arrived in a clearing they saw a shiny Breloom trying to protect a Taillow with what looked like a broken wing while Breloom looked badly hurt in front of them was a three-headed black, blue, and purple dragon

"What pokemon is that?" May asked referring to the three headed dragon

The Brutal Pokémon

There is a slew of stories about villages that were destroyed by this pokemon. It would bite anything that moves and each head takes turns sinking their teeth into their target and the attack won't slow until their target goes down.

"Haha go on Hydeigon these two are going to cash in millions in Unova" a huge gruff man in a biker style jacket, ripped jeans and heavy boots said making everyone angry

"May, stay here, keep Wurmple safe and call Officer Jenny Max and Alain I need you to check on Breloom and Taillow Altaria and I have stopped this guy," Ashlyn said her eyes showing nothing but rage

"Alright just be careful," May said before Ashlyn released Altaria just as Hydeigon was about to launch a dragon pulse

"I'm sorry" Ashlyn heard a soft feminine voice filled with regret and sorrow

"Altaria Ice Beam!" Ashlyn commanded before the hummingbird Pokémon launched a cold beam towards the three headed pokemon sending it to the side

"WHAT THE!" the poacher said enraged

"Leave those pokemon alone" Ashlyn demanded her Altaria right in front of her

"You little brat" the poucher said as his Hydreigon flew back to his side "Costing me my money"

"No way I'd ever let a lowly man like you get what you want," Ashlyn said as she fingered her keystone broach

"Grrrrrr Hydreigon dragon pulse on the brat now!"

"Altaria Moonblast!" Ashlyn said smirking "Good luck with the 4* weakness"

As the attack hit the brutal pokemon it immediately fell to the ground unconscious making Ashlyn smirk

"This guy is pathetic" Ashlyn thought before he released another Hydreigon that was just covered in battle scars

"Scum" Ashlyn growled out before she looked at the Hydreigon who was looking at the other "Oh this man has a death wish"

"Get that damn brat you stupid lizards or your mate will get it," the poacher said before a flamethrower hit his pokeballs breaking them

"Hydreigon go to your mate," Pikachu said as he jumped in front of Ashlyn just as Alain walked next to her with Charizard

"Take these to her" Castform said as she carried three Sitrus Berries to him

"You damn brats" the poacher growled reaching for his other pokemon only to find his pokeballs all broken "Hydreigon dragon pulse on them! Kill them!"

"I don't think they're listening to you ever again" Charizard said jabbing his thumb towards the two

"People like you aren't worth such amazing pokemon like them" Alain growled out as Ashlyn walked towards the two mated pokemon

"Are you two alright?" She asked gently

"My eggs" the female Hydreigon wept before Ashlyn turned back to see two eggs behind the poacher

"I can help you both if you let me," Ashlyn said looking both of the dark dragon types in the eye

"We will," the male Hydreigon said before he got up and flew to Alain's side to help protect his mate

"Lucario, Pikachu I need you," Ashlyn said before she walked towards the eggs luckily the poucher was busy bad-mouthing Alain and so Ashlyn took the eggs and crawled back to the female Hydreigon placing the eggs near her

"Thank you" the female Hydreigon said before nuzzling her eggs and that's when Officer Jenny arrived with Norman seeing them the poucher tried to run but May had Wurmple tie his feet together

"Dad!" May and Max said as they ran over to their father while Ashlyn and Alain took care of the Hydreigons and the eggs

"Great job kids we've been after Ramos over there for a long time now," Officer Jenny said before Norman walked over and hugged Ashlyn when she stood up

"Great job sweetie just as strong and kind hearted as you old man" Norman said smiling "He'd be so proud of you"

"Thanks, uncle Norman," Ashlyn said before she went back to the pokemon she was caring for

"Officer Jenny, will you be able to help his other pokemon?" Alain asked the blue haired woman

"Of course, I'll hand them over to nurse Joy," she said before handing two Ultra balls to him "These are their pokeballs and it doesn't need a bright mind to see that they want to stay with you two"

"Thanks," Alain and Ashlyn said smiling at the officer

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