First Contest

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On the day of the Slateport Pokemon Contest Ashlyn was busy reassuring May while Alain went to distract Max by introducing him to Mairin his younger sister

"Oh my God what if I mess up and forget" May said freaking out

"I highly doubt that May" Ashlyn said as she held her sister's hands "Don't worry you'll do wonderfully and just to make sure I have a good luck gift for you"

"What is it?" May asked before Ashlyn pulled out a pearl necklace with an unofficial contest ribbon on ten middle "Oh Ashlyn but this ribbon was your win?"

"It was but now it's yours to remind you that I'll always be there to cheer you on even if you can't see me and those pearls were my papa's first gift to me they use to belong to my grandmother" Ashlyn said smiling

"Then I shouldn't wear them" May said pushing the necklace back

"May, my psychic grandmother gave my papa two necklaces because he told me in her dreams she always saw two beautiful girls, her granddaughters one by blood and one by love" Ashlyn said smiling as she saw May's watery eyes "She saw us your just as much her granddaughter because your my sister and I love you so much little sis"

"Ashlyn" May said as she let Ashlyn hook the necklace around her neck "I promise to never take it off"

"I know you won't" Ashlyn said before she wiped her eyes "Now let's go before we cry more"

"Yeah" May said smiling as she wiped her tears

After making sure their faces were dry and no sign of their earlier water works were evident they made their way to the contest building where Max and Alain were already waiting

"Knock them dead" Ashlyn whispers to May as she makes her way to Max and Alain

Once May was in the Coordinator's waiting room she looked down at her new necklace in awe, she still couldn't believe that her elder sister gave her such a precious gift and honestly she felt like she was unworthy of it but she all she could do now is make Ashlyn proud of her

"Oh if it isn't the newbie" the green haired boy from the beach said making May glare at him

"What do you want?" May growled out

"Here kindly give this to your sister" he said handing her a rose "She certainly is a lady of refined taste"

"Sorry but my sister is allergic to jerks" May said turning her head to the side making the boy with long brown hair, green eyes and pale skin wearing a normal tuxedo with a red tie sitting next to her snicker

"Tsk" the boy said before he stomped away from her

"Nice one" The boy next to her said still snickering before he held out his hand "I'm Philip Justine White, PJ for short by the way"

"May Maple" May said shaking it smiling

"So first Contest?" he asked

"Yeah but he insulted my pokemon the first time we met and now he's trying to flirt with my sister through me" May said trying to explain things to him

"Wow sis that sucks" PJ said understanding why she didn't like the arrogant green head
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Meanwhile in the audience stands Alain was silently observing Ashlyn as she was talking to Max about something he also noticed that lots of other boys were leering at her and that made him angry

"Alain?" Ashlyn asked when she noticed his foul mood "What's wrong?"

"Nothing important," he said before turning his attention back to the appeals of the green-haired boy from yesterday

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