✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆: 𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔

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Jeno takes a deep breath before stepping in to the building, he was supposed to be with his cousin, Donghyuck or he likes to call as Haechan, but the boy got in trouble and had gotten there earlier than planned.

So basically, he was alone until they meet up later at dinner at the pizza place nearby since Donghyuck felt so bad leaving his poor Nono alone for the day to some rat.

Jeno snaps out of it when a guy bumps into him on the shoulder, he had jet black hair and some headphones on. "Shit, sorry dude" the guy apologizes and bows a little smiling sheepishly.

"No, It's okay, you didn't do it on purpose" Jeno smiles reassuringly at him and nods, the boy nods back and mutters another quick apology before running of towards -what Jeno assumes- his friend.

The blonde grips onto his suitcase tighter and goes to the front desk "Good morning ma'am" he smiles as the lady looks up from her computer, Jeno takes a quick glance at the nametag, Yoona.

"Good morning dear, may I have your name please?" Yoona asked politely and pushes her glasses up.

"Lee Jeno" he smiles as Yoona nodded and looks at her computer.

"Ah, Jeno!" Yoona said smiling brightly as she found what she was looking for and opens the drawer near her, she gets a key and hands it over to the blonde "Room 156, 8th floor dear"

(Ily if you know what it means)

Jeno takes the key and smiles at the lady "Thank you!" He smiles as the lady giggles, he has a feeling that they'll be great friends in the future. He bows and waves goodbye before going to the elevator.

He presses the number 8 and waits patiently as the lift started going up, he bites on his nail as a habit and when the sound of ding! Echoes through his ears, he flinches and quickly gets out dragging his suitcase.

"156, 156 1.5.6 uh- AHA!" He brightens up at the sight of his said room number, afraid he has misheard and went to the wrong room.

The blonde gets his keys and opens the door of his new dorm, not expecting to see someone he dearly loves and also wants to let his cats scratch that stupid face.

"Oh fuck no"

The guy with 'stupid face' looks up from his bed, hand in his pants while the other was holding his phone watching a video to satisfy his sexual needs when he can't find someone.

He smirks

"Oh fuck yes"

Jeno puts his hands on his face and rubs it in frustration "please tell me this is a joke" he mumbles and looks at said stupid face.

Stupid face snorts "nada princess, we're roommates" he chirps as Jeno bumps his head into the wall whining.

"Hey hey hey! Don't damage yourself princess, I still haven't gotten my money from Jisung yet" he hears stupid face stopping him, he sighs and lifts his head up but still back facing the dude.

"I'm going to the front desk" he said and leaves his suitcase there but stops midway out of the door "don't touch my stuff"

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