✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏: 𝑺𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝑴𝒚 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕

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Jaemin groans when he goes downstairs with sweatpants and a tank top on, holding onto the garbage bag from their dorm.

He throws the garbage bag in the dumpster and quickly goes back to his dorm, not before winking at some girls at the lobby smirking when they blush and squeal.

Yoona rolls her eyes at them and ignores the scene, she has already known about Jaemin before, but she knows alot about him now after Jeno shares their history on one lunch day.

The blond was still clearly heartbroken and a little angry at the elder, but they both know there's still feelings for Jaemin deep down in Jeno's heart.

Yoona has been a great support for Jeno, even acting like an older sister and asking him to join hee for lunch whenever the blond is free.

They had gotten to know more about each other and actually had been mistaken as related to some people, they just laugh and tell them "I wish".

Jaemin arrives at his dorm and sees Jeno doing cross stitch again, he closes and locks the door before tip toeing to the kitchen "did you take out the trash?" He flinches at Jeno's voice.

He slowly turns around and sees Jeno still focusing on his work but was obviously still waiting for the elder's answer.

"Yeah, just like I'm supposed to" he grumbles and Jeno snickers

"Too bad you broke a rule" he teases and puts a thread on his mouth coating it with a bit of saliva.

Jaemin rolls his eyes and turns back around trying to ignore the feeling in his stomach and the dirty image of Jeno's lips on something other than the thread.

Now, you might be wondering, what the fuck happened last time? Well see...

"Another rule"

Jaemin purses his lips as his idiotic friends were quietly snickering on the floor. "I can explain" he tries to protest.

Jeno rolls his eyes and looks at Renjun and Jisung "I'm sorry boys" he apologized "but as much as I would love to make some food for you and how nice I can be" he looks at Jaemin

"Your friend has sadly not informed me" he pouts, Jaemin's heart did a thing but he punches his chest trying to get the feeling off.

Renjun and Jisung chuckle before standing up "it's ok Jeno-ah" Renjun smiles

Jisung dusts himself off and grabs his stuff "we have some stuff to do anyways, I have a few paper works to finish, maybe next time though hyung" he smiles

Jeno smiles back and leads them to the door "hm maybe, tell me next time alright?" He asked and the two nods at him "see you two around" he waves as the two bids farewell.

He closes the door and turns around scowling at Jaemin "well?"

Jaemin scratches his nape "w-well, I obviously didn't have your number!" He protests "So of course I couldn't tell you" he thought he passed the test.

But Jeno rolls his eyes "well I obviously didn't have your number" he mimicks before glaring at the elder "bullshit"

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