✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏: 𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒚

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"So you're telling me you guys kissed?" Renjun raised a brow as Jaemin rolled his eyes and nodded, obviously annoyed he has asked the question literally after he just explained.

"And then what?" Renjun asked again, Jaemin made a, "huh?" Sound as he tilted his head. He rolled his eyes and picked at the fry, "did you like it?" He asked.

Jaemin pursed his lips, "I think I did," he then looked up and shook his head to himself, "wait, no, I did liked it," he corrects himself.

Renjun nodded and took a bite of his fry, "then, do you realize something?" He asked like he pointing the obvious.

Jaemin raised a brow and Renjun groaned in annoyance, "you like him you dumbfuck," he hissed and watched as Jaemin stares at him for a second.

"I don't know," he shrugs and Renjun swore he was so close to screaming and place a bomb of braincells in Jaemin's brain so he could get his head together.

Renjun rubs his temple, "I don't know how to help you here with Jaemin when you won't listen to me," he mutters and Jaemin scoffs, "You, like, Jeno," he said with a bite in every word he spoke.

"I'll think about it more later," he said, he was still unsure of the "feelings" he has for Jeno, he just maybe wants to make sure they were real or it was just something dumb he thought about.

Woah, that was a weird thought for Jaemin to think of. Making sure the feelings were real? Jaemin doesn't do well with sticking into relationships, He's good at sticking his- nevermind.

Renjun sighed and nodded in defeat, tired of Jaemin's shit these days, he then asks something he was meaning to ask for, "why the hell are we at McDonald's?"

Jaemin shrugs as he took a bite of his burger, "because if we went to the boba shop which is nearer, you'll just make googly eyes with Donghyuck," he rolled his eyes.

Renjun flushed at the mention of his boyfriend but glares at him still, "is that it? Why isn't Jisung with us? Why do I have to suffer and deal with you alone?" He complains.

Jaemin looked offended and snatched a fry from Renjun's plate, "You and Donghyuck would just flirt with each other or something, Jisung is trying to ask Chenle out and he'll just bully me, and excuse you! I'm not a handful."

Renjun tsked and snatched a chicken nugget from Jaemin, "you are when you're in denial, you little shit," he snaps.

Jaemin only mutters a few words before they changed the topic.


Jeno looks up from his laptop to see Jaemin enter the dorm, the elder raised a brow as Jeno had a smug smile, "what?" He asked.

Jeno hummed, "didn't you break about a few ruled by now?" He said as he eyed Jaemin's right foot on his side of the room.

Jaemin huffed, "I told you, fuck the rules I'd rather fuck y-" he gets cut offed when Jeno shuts his laptop while he still has that cute smile but also mischief in his eyes as he does so.

"Well, too bad," the younger pouts with his voice laced in sarcasm, "I don't like breaking the rules," he fake smiles.

Damn, and Jaemin thought Jeno warmed up and would let him be, but luck wasn't on his side as Jeno stood up with a list.

"What's this?" Jaemin asked as he took the paper, Jeno motions for him to read it as he goes to the bathroom.

Jaemin reads the paper and sees that these were the consequences of breaking the rules, Jeno had wrote three of them even though he probably broke more but atleast the boy had sympathy.

Jeno walks out of the bathroom with a basket of cleaning materials, he smiles like Jaemin wasn't in some deep shit, "you'll start in the bathroom," he said and shoves the basket to the elder's chest.

"Fuck, I don't know if that was cute or that was hot but holy shit-" Jaemin thought to himself as he walks to the bathroom slowly.


After almost 4 hours of cleaning and doing what Jeno told him to do, Jaemin took a bath and laid on his bed with a tired sigh.

He then looks at Jeno's side to see the boy finishing up with he guesses was his homework, they were a bit awkward but there was no lie that there was something there.

Jeno had some mood swings, sometimes he'd be nice and be friendly to Jaemin, letting him do what he wants unless it was actually stupid and also against the rules.

Then the next he'd tell Jaemin to be quiet, fuck off or scold him when the boy did something he didn't like, one of his best trick is to scream at him.

Jaemin still didn't much change though, he still went out the bar and bring someone over without Jeno's approval even when the latter doesn't need one by now, the younger blond would go home late and do the usual.

Suddenly, Jeno looked at his phone and stood up as he grabbed some clothes from his wardrobe before heading to the bathroom with a smile.

Jaemin could here him squeal in excitement as he assumes the boy was cleaning up or something.

Then thirty-four minutes and seventeen seconds later- Jaemin may or may not have counted, Jeno walked out with a little blue box and a white ribbon on top of it as he was wearing a white t-shirt, some jeans and a jean jacket.

Jaemin raised a brow as he sat up, "where are you going?" He asked and looked at the younger up and down.

Jeno wore his shoes and tied his laces together as he answered, "Mark and I are going out," Jaemin frowned and felt what Jisung kept describing as Jealousy.

"Oh," he breathes out as Jeno finished and fixed his hair, "have fun," he said bitterly.

Jeno turned around with a face of confusion at his tone of voice, he tilted his head as Jaemin just waved him off and grabbed his laptop.

The younger nodded, "thanks," he said hesitantly before opening the door, "I won't be out long, take care," he said before leaving.

"Stupid Mark Lee and his annoying face," Jaemin thought as he stared at the door. Then, an idea popped up in his mind, and all the author could tell you is, it's also stupid, bless his brain.

Jaemin quickly stood up and grabbed some clothes he usually wears to go out of the dorm, he changes into them and sprayed a bit of perfume, fixed his hair and grabbed his phone before wearing his shoes.

He grabs his keys and checks his watch, he smirks and leaves the dorm to head to a common place he goes to, again, without Jeno's approval.

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