✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆: 𝑮𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔

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Jaemin wakes up at the sight of Jeno's covered ass- wait holy shit.

He rubs his eyes making sure they were cooperating and looks to see that it was Jeno's ass he was seeing first when he woke up. Jeno was bending down under his bed to grab something

Then he stands up and leaves towards the kitchen unbeknownst of Jaemin staring at his bum.

Jaemin shakes his head, sits up and runs his fingers through his hair yawning, he stretches before standing up and tiredly drags his feet towards the kitchen where Jeno is finishing up some coffee and tea. "Wifey material" he said

Jeno looks over his shoulder and rolls his eyes "shut up" before taking the kettle and pouring some hot water on two mugs, hey, he still has a heart alright?

He carefully takes the two mugs and places one on the small table before drinking his tea since he doesn't really drink coffee, Jaemin sits down and takes a look at the meal in front of him

It wasn't too big, it was just a plate of meat, vegetables and some rice neatly placed like Jeno designed them, still it looks really good, he sniffs and sighs dreamily at the smell.

He takes his spoon and starts eating, he suddenly moans at the taste making Jeno choke on his tea, Jaemin had the fucking audacity to smirk as Jeno calms down

"What the fuck?" He shrieks as Jaemin winks at him

"For you princess" Jeno backs away and finishes his tea since he already finished eating when Jaemin was still dead asleep.

He places the mug in the sink and walks pass Jaemin to the bathroom, Jaemin laughs and shakes his head at him. The elder continues eating, enjoying the meal Jeno prepared.

The coffee was nice too, it was perfect actually, it surprised him when he noticed that Jeno still remembers his usual liking of coffee, he had a weird feeling in his stomach at the thought

It was mixed with happiness and sadness, Happy that Jeno still remembers and has kept the memory by heart and Sad that it all came to an end. It was a weird feeling of nostalgia.

He finishes up quickly and washes the dishes because no way is he letting Jeno dare him something -twice.

He sits on his bed and waits for Jeno to come out, he scrolls through his phone and looks up when the sound of the bathroom door opens expecting Jeno to be shirtless or something. But satan loves him apparently. As Jeno comes out with his blonde hair slightly wet and wearing some clothes.

Jaemin groans in his head as Jeno walks to his bed and takes his stuff.

"Oh by the way" Jeno snaps him out of his day dream, he looks up as Jeno was now at the door smiling innocently "your first dare is doing groceries today, list is at the fridge" giggling before taking his leave.

Jeno was like a mixture of an Angel and Satan

His looks are obviously like an angel, his personality though is both. Fuck duality, Jaemin thinks he's going to throw up.

The elder sighs and grabs his cloth before making a beeline towards the bathroom and takes a warm shower. He also tries so hard not to touch Jeno's stuff, he badly wants to actually, like especially Jeno's shampoo.

He wonders how Jeno's hair smells like, how his milky white skin would feel like in his hands and that results him to have the want of taking a sniff on his shower products for scientific purposes, he has chemistry later anyway.

He finishes up and dries his hair with his towel because only Jeno has a blow dryer, that's Jeno's stuff. No touching

He walks towards the kitchen and sees a pink sticky note on the fridge with pretty handwriting on it. He then thought "isn't this counts as Jeno's stuff?"

"Or is he playing mind games and did this on purpose so he could dare me more?" He furrows his eyebrows as he remembered Jeno giggling before leaving "fuck, He's smart"

He mutters as he takes the note without any other choices and reads the lists of groceries

1. Fruits, especially bananas, I love bananas

"Don't fucking think like that Na Jaemin- shit"

2. Sprouted whole grain bread

3. Some meat, anything really, just make sure its fresh and doesn't have mold, worms or expired

"Na Jaemin, control your shit"

4. Milk, any flavor. It's for me not you dumbass

"milk more like cu- Lord save me"

5. Vegetables, like broccoli, carrots and oh! Eggplants! It's like on sale today


6. Biscuits

7. Some candies. I love candies

8. Junkies but not too much, I may be taking Nursing as my course but I'm not nursing you forever idiot

9. Cheese

10. And I dare you to buy me boba because you touched the note without consent :)

Don't buy too much, and also check the expiration date cuz I'm not paying you.

P.S I know you thought of sexual stuff perv, have fun! Goodluck embarrassing yourself with that boner of yours ;)

Jaemin thinks he's going to faint, the actual fuck is this. He can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Maybe both but fuck, he looks at his pants and sees his erection. Shitty ass hormones. He groans before placing the note in his pocket and leaves the dorm wincing at the feeling of his hard on.

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