✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑬𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕: 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑪𝒖𝒑 𝑵𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒍𝒆𝒔

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Jeno left a note at the fridge for Jaemin, letting the elder know he's out for the day.

He walks out of the dorm and closes the door softly not trying to disturb anyone especially his roommate.

The boy was going to hang out with Donghyuck and his roommate Chenle, his cousin also needed help for his assignments.

So it's basically mixed with hanging out, bonding and studying, hence why Jeno brought his notebook and a pen so he could help Donghyuck before the latter burns his papers in a bonfire and get an F.

He gives a little wave at Yoona who was trying to calm two girls down with them complaining how their AC is not working. Or they're just dumb and opened the window when it was on.

The lady waved back and turned her attention back at the two girls as she takes a quick glance at her pasta. All she wanted was to eat.

Jeno walks in to the Starbucks -he wanted a pink drink, and Donghyuck being a great cousin, said they'll be going to said Starbucks- and looks around for his cousin.

"NONO!" A really, really loud voice echoes through the place. Said boy looks at the direction of the voice and sees his cousin and a young boy who had black hair, wearing a jersey and was smiling at him.

Trying to ignore the eyes on him because of his embarrassing relative, he walks towards the two boys and immediately receives a bone crushing hug and kisses on his face.

"Channie, please let go now" he wheezes as the latter's grip tightens

"Mwah! My baby cousin, you're so cute" Donghyuck coos and pinches his cheek, he yelps and scrunches his nose at the affection.

Although the tanned male literally does this all the time when they meet, He's still not used to being babied, maybe because he feels a little cocky if he says what others usually say

"Thank you" those words kinda give him the shivers and always feels like he's being cocky when someone compliments him.

Donghyuck drags him down to a seat beside his and he plops down as his cousin sits on his chair, he ruffles and plays with Jeno's hair as the blond takes his stuff out.

"Jeno, this is Zhong Chenle, call him Lele" he gestures to the young boy across from him as they smile at each other "Lele, this is Jeno, call him Nono or baby"

Jeno slaps his cousin's thigh as the latter ignored it and continued to play with his hair, the blond takes his hand out for a handshake as Chenle gladly takes it.

"Nice to meet you Lele" he smiles

Chenle smiles back brightly at him "Likewise hyung"

"Ahh~ He's younger than me, that makes sense" Jeno thought as Donghyuck takes a cookie and bites it

Chenle slides a drink towards the elder "hyuck said you liked pink drinks, so I ordered one for you" Jeno smiles but can't help but feel bad

The younger had indeed ordered one for him, and he feels bad when someone pays for him when he can surely pay for himself

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