✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆: 𝑫𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑺𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒆

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Jeno walks into the restaurant and looks around to find a tanned male with purple hair

He finally spots a hand waving around in the air enthusiastically as he chuckles and walks over to the table in the near corner

"Jeno! My baby samoyed" his cousin exclaims standing up and giving him a bone crushing hug as Jeno hugs back unable to breath properly

"A-air" he chokes out as Donghyuck lets go and pats his back

"Shit! Sorry" he apologizes as he takes the seat in front of his, pulling it out for Jeno to sit as the blonde smiles and plops down before the tanned male pushes it slightly for him

Donghyuck grabs his table napkin and drapes it over Jeno's collar like he was a waiter and sits back into his seat, playfully drapes his own table napkin on his lap

Jeno snickers at him as the boy looks up acting confused "what?"

Jeno gestures at the napkins on them as the boy scoffs "well waiters can't do their jobs right, someone has too!" He protests as the blonde giggles

"Why, thank you sir" Jeno plays along bowing a little

Donghyuck smiles smugly "why of course, dear princess Jen" Jeno tenses up a little at the nickname as Donghyuck panicks

"Sorry, was i-" Jeno snaps out of his day dream and waves him off

"No-" he coughs a little "no, just- something" he dismissed as Donghyuck frowns

Dinner was great, the meal was delicious and Donghyuck was brightening up his mood making him slightly forget about his stupid face roommate. They were now just talking a little for a few more minutes before leaving

Of course, he decides to tell his cousin about it because Donghyuck was like a brother he never had "hey, hyuck" the boy hums as he slurps up his third smoothie, durian this time.

"About my roommate" he pauses as Donghyuck stops and looks at him

"Oh yeah! Roomates, speaking of them, mine is a basketball player named Chenle! You should meet him sometime, I'll introduce you to him soon!" Donghyuck chirps as Jeno nods agreeing at him

"Sounds good"

Donghyuck smiles "so about your roommate" he plays with the straw "is yours a murderer? Because if he is then two can play that game" he smirks

Jeno gives a snort as he picks at his half eaten piece of strawberry cake "not really, but-" he plays with the frosting as he continues "don't freak out ok?"

Donghyuck raises a brow and nods a little "ok" he said as he slurps another big gulp of his smoothie

Jeno still doesn't understand how he didn't get a brainfreeze from that. But then again, he bites his ice cream at times too.

He sighs "my roommate is like- someone you'd probably want to murder" he said as he glances at Donghyuck's reaction

"Is it someone from highschool?" The tanned boy asked as Jeno nodded mindlessly

"Describe the shit for me" he said as Jeno scrunches his nose at his choice of words

"Ew don't say that, we're eating" not having the appetite to finish his cake anymore

Donghyuck snorts and mutters an apology as he pinches Jeno's cheek "gonna eat that?" Pointing at the half eaten cake

"Not anymore"

"Sweet" he takes the half eaten cake and grabs his fork as Jeno sighs and continues

"He has blonde hair"




"Likes to flirt alot"

"Sweet at first but then likes to play games"

"We used to date for a few months-"

Donghyuck chokes and spits the strawberry out as it lands on Jeno's water. Disgusting.

He wipes his mouth with a tissue as he takes another big gulp on his smoothie, he looks at Jeno with wide eyes "your roommate is Na Jaemin?!" He shrieks

Jeno nodded like he doesn't have a choice and mutters "yeah" as Donghyuck chokes on his smoothie again

"Holy shit- hold on, lemme borrow their kitchen knife" Donghyuck pretends to stand up but Jeno stops him grabbing onto his wrist

"No wait hyuck! Don't" Donghyuck looks at him like he just found out his wifi password was 'I like dicks' - don't ask, it was definitely not him when Jeno went over to his house and found the secret note behind his pillow, definitely-

"Don't worry, I'll just- deal with it ok?" Donghyuck looks displeased "I'll call you if he crosses the line" Jeno smiles reassuring his cousin

The tanned male thinks for a moment, before nodding defeatedly "fine" he surrenders as he waves their waiter over.

"But Imma pay" he smirks as Jeno groans at him, he knows the blonde doesn't like it when others pay for him, he feels like he's being spoiled.

"Mean" he grumbles as Donghyuck snickers and pays for their meal.

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