✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒆: 𝑶𝒍𝒅 𝑯𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒔

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Mark came over at their dorm the other night for dinner, Jeno had invited the boy over and to say Jaemin wasn't bothered was an understatement.

The elder blond couldn't stop glaring and rolling his eyes whenever Mark made Jeno blush at random things, he would purposely make an 'accident' like spilling Jeno's pasta sauce when they were at the kitchen

Mark, the fucking guy, had helped Jeno clean things up, even his damn clothes. And Jaemin had almost screamed, it was unfair, he couldn't even go near the younger without getting yelled at or hit.

And yet, here Mark Lee was, getting close to Jeno, wiping the boy's arm with a damped towel and being touchy. So unfair.

But of course, he didn't know why he was bothered by it. Maybe because he was planning on actually studying and learning things that night instead of watching videos and- stuff.

Or maybe because he was jealous? I mean what?

"Why are you even mad about it?" Renjun had asked him when they were at the bar on a Thursday night, the boy gasped dramatically, "are you perhaps," he leans in to the table as if to tell a secret, "jealous?" He smirks.

Jaemin choked on his beer and Renjun could only smirk at him as he leaned back on his seat and takes a chip, "me?" Jaemin points to himself, "Jealous?!"

Jisung snorted at how dramatic Jaemin is being and Renjun nodded anyways with his eyes rolling in annoyance, "No!" The blond smacks his hand on the table, "Na Jaemin doesn't get jealous!"

"Well it sure looks like it," Jisung retorted as Jaemin glared at him.

"Well I'm not!" He scoffs and sips on his beer, he sees Renjun mocking him silently from the corner of his eye and he had the urge to spit his beer at the elder.

"Plus, I don't even like him," he adds, Jisung raised a brow and Renjun shook his head as if he's disappointed.

"Are you sure about that? You dated him in highschool dumbass," Jisung said matter of fact.

Jaemin clicks his tongue, "because you guys dared me to, I never really liked him," he lied, "it all was just an act," he said.

He somehow cringes when he said that, but he brushed it off. Renjun sips his beer and sits straight on his seat, "still, you could've developed feelings and maybe stopped being a fuckboy or something."

Jaemin huff, "Na Jaemin doesn't develop feelings," he protests

Jisung could only laugh at him as Renjun asked for another glass, "whatever you say dude," Not believing a word his best friend spits out.

Jaemin takes a big gulp of his drink and looks around the room, he smirks when he sees a pretty girl in a red dress dancing alone in the dance floor. They make eye contact and he takes it as his cue.

"See you guys, Got me a pretty one tonight," he winks and stands up to walk over to the lady. Renjun and Jisung watch their friend approach her, holding her by the waist and whispering something before they dance a little.

They roll their eyes at them, "He's going back to his old habits," Jisung sighed and Renjun nodded with a grunt.

"He needs to get his shit together and admit his own feelings," he turns back to their leftover chips, "because it's been years and I'm already sick of his shit."

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