✍︎ 𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆

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"How many bags do you have? Jesus Christ dude," Renjun complained dragging another bag on the floor as Jisung was right behind him carrying a box.

Jaemin rolled his eyes as he waited for the receptionist, "shut up Jun," he hissed as Yoona walked in front, "hey noona." He greets.

Yoona beams at them, "hey Jaemin-ah," she laughs as Renjun pants behind the said boy. The lady opens a drawer and gets a key as she hands it to Jaemin, "room 602," she smiles.

Jaemin smiled back with a nod, "thanks noona! Goodluck with you new job because we'll be seeing more often," he jokes as Yoona laughed with a snort, her coworker Sooyoung gave her a weird look clearly embarrassed.

Jaemin chuckled before grabbing his suitcase and went to the elevator with Renjun and Jisung behind. He pressed the floor number and couldn't stop smiling as he watched the numbers change.

The doors opened and the three heads to the designated room, Jaemin hastily searches for the number and fumbles with the keys as he unlocks it.

He opens the door to see a big empty room except for the boxes inside, he hears a few footsteps before he goes in and puts his bags down along with Jisung and Renjun dropping the bags and boxes.

"Jaemin?" A voice calls out as a figure enters the main room, Jaemin grins from ear to ear as he saw the figure fixing his glasses.

Jaemin runs up to the person and hugs him tightly before lifting him off the ground and spinning them in circles as the boy clung onto him for dear life.

Jaemin stops and puts him down with his arms still wrapped around the person's waist, "hi princess," he said as the boy smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Hey there my knight and shining armor," Jeno giggled. Jaemin chuckled and pecks his nose lovingly before two boys enters the room.

"Babe!" Renjun squeals and runs up to his boyfriend, the two fell on the dirty floor as the others chuckled. Jisung calmly walked over to Chenle and hugged him watching the two couple on the floor kiss.

"I think we should leave now," Chenle said laughing and turns to his boyfriend, "I'll grab Renjun and you'll get Donghyuck," he said.

Jisung sighed dramatically as they pulled the couple away from each other and onto their feet, they waved goodbye and dragged them outside shutting the door.

Jeno turns back to Jaemin and smiles, "can't believe we're living together in our own apartment," he giggles. The elder pinched his cheek and hummed.

"It's a step towards our future," he smiles and lifts Jeno's hand up to kiss the jewelry on his finger, "and we'll be moving forward together," he mumbles on the boy's skin.

Jeno blushes and hugs him, "it'll be quite a journey," he comments, "but we'll make it to the finish line," he adds. They stand there in the middle of their empty living room hugging each other.


The couple finishes unpacking and Jaemin flops down on the couch as he listens to his fiance's humming to a song from the kitchen. He turns on the TV as he heard footsteps near him.

A small body crashes onto him and made itself comfortable on his lap, Jaemin wraps his arms around the boy and nuzzles his nose on his hair sniffing the scent of strawberries.

Jeno looks up and smiles at him, "I love you," he said as Jaemin chuckled and pecked his forehead.

"I love you too darling," he replies as Jeno blushed and puffed out his cheeks adjusting his position.

The younger straddles him and plays with his hair, "I like princess more," he said shyly with a cheeky smile.

Jaemin laughed and shook his head as he caresses Jeno's thighs, "How about lets upgrade it," he said making Jeno raise a brow, "for now on, you'll be my Queen," he adds pecking his nose.

Jeno scrunches his nose and slaps his chest, "shut up," he whines as the elder snickered and taps his fingers on his skin into a rhythm.

"Only for you my Queen," Jaemin smirked teasingly, the younger squeaked when he felt a hand on his ass and glares at his fiance.

"No touching inappropriately when it's soft hours!" Jaemin chuckled, and moves his hands to the boy's hips and nuzzles onto his shoulder.

"Aye aye your Majesty," He said jokingly as Jeno hummed.

Suddenly, Jeno pulls away, "by the way, we're going to Mark and Yukhei's anniversary party," he informs as Jaemin nodded with a hum, he then laughs.

"What?" Jaemin asked tilting his head, Jeno continues to laugh throwing his head back as his body shakes. "What's so funny?"

Jeno calms his breathing and looks at him with his cheeks flushed from laughing so much, "it's just that," he starts, "I remembered when you were jealous of Mark and thought him and I were dating back in college," he giggles.

Jaemin scoffs, "well you guys were pretty close and gave smooches," he protests, "plus, it didn't help when you said you and him were going out," he quoted with his fingers.

Jeno snorted loudly but Jaemin found it cute, "when I said going out, I meant as we were going outside," the younger explains, "plus, that little box I brought was Yukhei's promise ring," he shrugs.

Jaemin rolled his eyes, "you could've told me that," he said as Jeno only hummed.


Jaemin sits on his and Jeno's shared bed, yes, shared bed. The two had put their boundaries down and brought up new ones, less strict and ridiculous this time.

Like for example, always ask permission or inform your lover about something, and if that rule is broken they'll be sleeping on the floor.

Jaemin stands up and ruffles his hair, he was only wearing sweatpants as his shirt was on Jeno's petite body at the kitchen.

He heads to the kitchen and sees Jeno cooking something, he walks to him and back hugs the boy as he gave a kiss on his cheek.

Jeno wasn't wearing pants like he always does when staying home, he was only in boxers and Jaemin's shirt as he felt comfortable in them, he only wore pants when they have guests over since the elder would get jealous and possessive.

Jaemin places his chin on Jeno's shoulder, "how's my queen doing?" He asked and watches the boy stir the soup.

Jeno hummed and places his free hand on Jaemin's that was resting on his stomach, "alright," he answers, "how about my dear king?" He smiles and turns his head.

Jaemin smiled back, "always better with you," he said cheekily and pecks the younger's lips. Jeno hums into the kiss and takes a spoon.

He blows on the soup and inches it towards Jaemin's mouth who happily opened and tastes it. Jaemin sighed in satisfaction giving a peck on the forehead, "delicious," he comments.

Jeno thanked him and they stand there as the boy continued to cook, "hey babe?" The younger calls. Jaemin hums as he felt the vibration from his shoulder, "can we get a cat?"

~The End~

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