✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑬𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏: 𝑻𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝑻𝒐 𝑴𝒆

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Jeno wakes up with arms wrapped around him, he yawns and rubs his eyes as he tries to clear his vision. He squeaks at the sight of Jaemin's sleeping face snoring in front of him.

He tries to wriggle out of the boy's arms but the latter only tightened his grip and pulled him closer, "Jaemin," Jeno whisper-yells as he hits the boy's chest, "wake up!"

Jaemin groans and opens his eyes slowly, "mornin,'" he mumbles, "how'd you sleep?" He yawns.

Jeno pulls on his arms trying to set himself free, "fine," he answers quickly, "now let me go and move back to your bed on your side," he hissed.

The elder blond sighed and watched dully as the younger kept squirming, "stop moving," he grumbles. Jeno stopped at his tone and glares, "we need to talk," Jaemin adds.

Jeno scoffed, "later," he dismissed and squirmed again. He was very stubborn when he's holding a grudge and always wanted to fix things later on when the other person apologizes first.

Jaemin clicks his tongue and pulled him against his chest, "I said stop moving," he whispers in the boy's ear feeling him shiver. He smiles before looking at him.

Jeno looked away and he frowns, "hey," he puts a hand on the boy's cheek to look back at him, "focus on me," he said caressing the younger's cheekbone admiring the little mole.

Jeno bits his lip, "stop it," he mumbles, "just leave me be Jaemin and go to your hookups or whatever," he said with his voice cracking.

Jaemin frowned, "No," he shakes his head, "I'm here to stay, I promised that last night remember?" He said as Jeno only pursed his lips.

"I'm sorry," Jaemin starts, "I'm sorry for everything I did that hurt you, I'm sorry for being a dumbass and didn't thought about you nor your feelings and I'm sorry for making you cry."

He paused and kissed Jeno's eyes, "I hate seeing you cry," he mumbles and thumbs on Jeno's lip, "Please forgive me," he begs.

Jeno sniffled, "why'd you do it?" He asked, "why did you do those things in front of me like you enjoyed seeing me hurt? Why'd you bring someone over when I was around to see you guys, why'd even do it in the first place?"

Jaemin bits his lip, "I guess I was in denial and thought I could move on from you by hooking up with some strangers at the bar," he said in guilt, "I regret it, I don't like what I did, and I'll for sure stop it" he admits.

"Not when it hurts you," he said as Jeno started tearing up again, "Jeno," he paused, "I love you." He smiles a little.

Jeno whimpers, "I mean it," Jaemin said, "I love you, I really do," he repeats kissing the boy's forehead, "I want you to forgive me, I want you to give me a chance, I want you to be mine, I want you." He adds.

When Jeno didn't say anything but looked straight into his eyes as if he's searching for some lie in them, he continues, "I need you, need you to be in my life, need you to be my partner for life, because you're my life."

Jeno sobs and wraps his arms around his neck, "I-I'm sorry," he hiccups as Jaemin patted his back trying to console him.

"For what baby?" He asked and kissed the boy's ear, Jeno hiccups again and goes closer as he cries.

"F-for ma-making you confused a-and m-mad," he said feeling guilty.

Jaemin smiled, Jeno was apologizing for something that wasn't a big problem, he was apologizing when he didn't even do anything wrong, a matter of a fact it was Jaemin who did it.

If anything, Jaemin found it cute. He kissed the boy's temple and pulled away to look at him, "princess," he calls as Jeno sniffled and looked up, "it's not your fault okay? It never ever was your fault."

Jeno shakes his head as Jaemin sighed and leaves kisses on his face, "It, Never, Was, Your, Fault," he said with a peck in each word as the younger began to smile.

"I love you so much," Jaemin mumbles after a moment of silence, "please be mine," he said as Jeno smiled even more with tears forming in his eyes again. He was emotional okay?

"Yes," Jeno nodded and leans closer, "I'll be yours if you'll be my knight and shining armor," the younger giggled with another hiccup.

Jaemin chuckled and pecked his nose, "I would always be your knight and shining armor my dear princess," he smiled as he leans in to kiss Jeno on the lips, the younger kissed back and tilted his head as they moved in sync.

They laid there on Jeno's bed kissing until it was 1 PM, the younger pulled away and giggled, "let's eat, I'm hungry," he said.

Jaemin grumbles and tightens his grip, "can't we just lay here and kiss all day?" He asked as Jeno shook his head. They began to wrestle until Jeno pushed him against the mattress and climbs on top of him.

The blond straddles his torso as Jaemin's hands rests on his thighs, "ooh la la," he teased and licked his lips. Jeno rolled his eyes playfully before cupping his face and leans in to give him a kiss on the lips.

Jaemin may have gotten so into it that he trails his hands from Jeno's thigh to his ass and squeezed it making the boy stop and pull away, the boy tsked and hopped off, "no ass for you until we eat," he said.

Jaemin's jaw dropped as Jeno turns around and smacks his own ass teasingly before leaving to the kitchen, the elder lays there and looks down, "goddammit," he cussed.


Jaemin watches Jeno makes some salad as he puts his hand on his palm sighing dreamily, the younger heard him and turned around with a brow raised, "what?"

Jaemin sighed dreamily again, "you're just so pretty and cute," he said genuinely as Jeno blushed and turned back to finish their shared salad.

"Shut up," he whines as Jaemin chuckled and continues to stare at his boyfriend.

Jeno finishes and walks to the table with a medium bowl in hand and two forks in the other as he placed their lunch on the table, "I will if you give me a kiss," Jaemin said and puckered his lips.

The younger puffed out his cheeks and kissed him on the lips before sitting down beside him as they start to eat, "I don't like vegetables, baby you know this," Jaemin whined as Jeno only clicked his tongue.

"If you'll eat atleast five mouthfuls of it, we won't have to go outside and we can stay here," Jeno persuaded, when Jaemin still didn't agree he continued, "maybe an extra special prize too," he winks and places his leg over Jaemin's lap.

Almost immediately, Jaemin starts eating and instead ate majority of it also choking a few times as Jeno watched amused.

The elder was so excited for his prize that he cleaned up the dishes as well and tackled his boyfriend to the bed, "can I have my prize now?" He asked as Jeno giggled under him.

"I'm the prize," he said and pecked his lips, Jaemin smiled wider instead of frowning. The boy hugs his boyfriend and gives a long kiss.

Jaemin smiled into the kiss as Jeno wrapped his legs around the boy's torso, "well, I love my prize very much princess," he said making the younger blush.

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