✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆: 𝑺𝒐𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒅

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Jaemin really hates this day he's having, he also hates his friend sometimes, he regrets ever agreeing to come along.

Renjun had messaged him if he was available for today, Jaemin replied back that he was, well, because he was. Jeno was out, again, and to his dismay, he was bored.

So he agreed when Renjun asked if he could join him at the boba shop. Big mistake he did today.

He went there and was immediately dragged inside and pushed into a seat as Renjun left him alone. At first he thought the elder was assigning him for a blind date, but then he looked at the counter.

Huang fucking Renjun was ordering something to Lee Donghyuck, the cashier for today, making googly eyes as he did.

It was disgusting and Jaemin wanted to go home, or maybe bring someone over to get a quick fuck. Jisung wasn't there to suffer with him, the younger was at the basketball court doing God knows what.

He groans when he glances at the clock and back to his 'friend', who's also a traitor. He grins when Renjun blushed in embarrassment as he noticed the long line he had caused and the guy behind him had a kid, almost crying.

Karma is a bitch, Jaemin thought, he watches the elder approach their table and slumps into his seat like he was just shot by a cupid's arrow.

"You're so whipped, it's really disgusting," he comments. Renjun glares at him and sits straight up.

"Shut up," he then softens his gaze as he starts to think about the cashier, "I think I'm in love," he smiles crookedly.

Ew, Jaemin doesn't want the boba anymore, but whatever, free food. He starts to complain and tease Renjun about this awful day. "How sad, Jisung doesn't have to suffer with me and makes your day as hell as mine," he emphasized.

Renjun was about to snap at him but then Donghyuck approaches their table with a tray of two bobas, a plate of pumpkin pie and a mini bowl of fries.

"Here you guys go," Donghyuck mumbles and recalls the order audibly while Renjun places a palm under his chin listening dreamily at the boy.

"Is that all?" Donghyuck asked sassily at Jaemin, the latter shrugged and pointed at the dazed chinese boy. He rolled his eyes and slaps the boys arm away making him almost fall face first at the table.

"He asked if that's all doofus," he sips on his boba, Renjun looks back at Donghyuck before nodding absently.

"Yeah," he whispers, Donghyuck smirks and crossed his arms.

"Pay up then, doofus," he said, in their boba shop, the customer has to pay when the food is served or if they're actually finished. Similar to restaurants. Why? Because they've encountered a few mishaps before.

Renjun immediately gives the money all while staring at the tanned male, "so hot," he comments, Donghyuck laughs and ruffled his hair before going back to the counter.

Jaemin watches his friend stare at his crush dreamily, he then looks at the mini bowl of fries, "since when did they serve food here?" He can't help but ask.

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