✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓: 𝑳𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝑶𝒖𝒕

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Jeno finally waves goodbye to his cousin as the latter was dramatically crying saying "I can't believe I'm letting you go to a demon! I'm such a bad cousin"

Earning looks from strangers as Jeno smiles sheepishly patting his back "ok hyuck, that's enough" he pulls his cousin away as the latter takes out his handkerchief blowing his nose into it

"You're not a bad cousin ok? Now I really need to go, it's almost our curfew and we have class tomorrow" he said as Donghyuck sobs again

"Tell that demon I have holy water" he said standing straight with a smug smile. Jeno rolls his eyes with a grin and nods

"Yeah ok, now goodnight!" He walks pass Yoona who was arranging some papers and smiles at her, "goodnight Noona"

The lady smiles back "night night Jeno!" He giggles as he waves and walks towards the elevator and presses the number 8 waiting patiently.

No way in fucking hell is he walking up the stairs in the dark, he's not risking a ghost taking him away when there's already a horny ass demon living in his dorm.

He twists the doorknob only for it to be locked, he looks through his pockets and realized he forgot his keys on his bedside table

"Stupid, stupid, stupid" he mumbles to him self as he bangs his head at the wall "owie!" He whines as he rubs his forehead where he felt a slight bump forming

He groans at himself for being forgetful, he can't contact Jaemin anyway because he doesn't have the boy's phone number. Knocking won't help either since the last time he left, Jaemin had his headphones on and probably fell asleep with it.

He sinks down to the ground and hugs his knees to his chest as he buries his head, after awhile of silence he hears footsteps walking towards him, he lifts his head to see a pair of white sneakers.

He tilts his head and looks up "hey" it was the guy that bumped into him from earlier, he smiles and looks at the door then back at Jeno "locked out?" He asked

Jeno nods as he frowns "forgot my keys" the guy also frowns and takes out his hand

"Well no need to sit down on the dirty floor, God knows what's on it" Jeno grimaces in disgust as the guy laughs at him

He then looks at his hand and back at him, he smiles as he takes it and let's the guy pull him up. "What's your name?" He asked politely

"Lee Jeno, yours?"

"Mark Lee, or well Lee Minhyung is my korean name" the guy- Mark smiles as Jeno smiles back

"Mark" he tests the name as it rolls off his mouth nicely "cool name" Mark chuckles

"Thanks, yours is pretty too" he compliments as Jeno blushes at him

"I said yours is cool though" he mumbles as Mark throws his head back and laughs clutching his stomach

"Yeah I know and yours is pretty" he smiles again, Jeno's cheeks heats up and smacks his arm lightly


"Cute too" they share a laugh as Jeno smacks him on the arm again with Mark dramatically looks at him in pain and whines

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