✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏: 𝑺𝒉𝒖𝒔𝒉

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Jeno grabs his arm and pulls him inside, he turns to Mark and smiles sadly, "I'm sorry hyung, Jaemin is sick and I might need to take care of him," he apologized.

Mark nodded understandingly and grabs his stuff, Jaemin smirked a little that the raven haired was leaving. The elder walks to the door and gives Jeno a quick hug, the latter kissing his cheek as a goodbye making Jaemin frown.

"Bye Mark," the younger waves, Mark ruffled his hair and waved back.

"Bye Jeno-yah," he smiles and looks at the elder blond who was scowling at him, "take care Jaemin, you're lucky to have Jeno with you," he winks at them, Jaemin not noticing Jeno blushing and mouthing Mark to shut up.

Mark laughs and puts his hands up in surrender, Jeno playfully pushing him out of the door, "okay, bye Mark, shoo," he said as the elder snorted before leaving.

He shuts the door and sighs tiredly as he turns around, he placed his hands on his hips, "why are you soaked Mr?" He glares, well, tried to, He's not good at it.

Jaemin shrugs, "rain caught up with me, forgot an umbrella," it wasn't raining heavily but it was still pouring outside. Jeno tsked and points to his bed as he snatches the bag of boba away.

"Lay down, I'm getting the medicines," he orders, Jaemin was about to protest saying he was dandy fine but Jeno eyed him as he quickly surrenders.

He goes to his bed, still messy, and lays down, he waits as Jeno returns from the kitchen with a few medicines, some water, and salt. Wait what?

"You can go," Jaemin gestures seeing Jeno wait for his approval standing behind the line, the younger nodded and mutters a thanks before sitting on Jaemin's bed.

He shifts until he's close enough, he puts the medicine on the table and gestures to sit up, Jaemin did as told and scrunched his nose to see a pinch of salt on the spoon, "it helps, it thins your mucus and makes it less sticky, so it's easier to dislodge and expel," Jeno explains.

Jaemin eyes it and looks at Jeno with furrowed eyebrows, "do I have to?" He asked slowly.

"Unless you want me to leave you alone until you have to go to the hospital or something," Jeno deadpans.

Jaemin widens his eyes and laughs awkwardly, "I'll take it," he paused, "if I get a kiss," he winks. Jeno rolls his eyes and squints his eyes hitting his arm, "ow!" He yelps. "Okay, nevermind."

Jeno gives him the spoon, he gulps before taking the salt and grimaced, "blegh," Jeno rolled his eyes and gave him the glass of water.

He takes it down and thanks him, Jeno grabs the medicine and checks the time, "you need some vitamins, your immune system is clearly weak," he informs.

Jaemin nodded and takes the vitamin down, he then finishes up the glass of water and gives it to Jeno who takes it and stands up.

He goes to the kitchen and Jaemin lays back down, he pulls his blanket up to warm himself from the cold air, he settles himself comfortably and tries to get some sleep, until the door opens loudly.

"Jeno hyung!" A loud voice screams, Jeno instantly runs to the room and shushes the person, Jaemin groans and peeks over the blanket.

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