✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏: 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝑰𝒕 𝑶𝒖𝒕

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Jeno gives Mark a hug as the elder patted his back, "Congrats Mark hyung," the blond said, "I'm so happy for you," he adds as they pulled away.

Mark chuckled, "thanks Jen," he flushes as he stares at the promise ring on his finger, shining brightly from the moonlight. "How are things going between you and Jaemin?" He asked.

Jeno sighed, "confusing," he answers, "we have ups and downs but-" he paused as Mark took his hand caressing his knuckles with his thumb, "I'm scared that it'll happen again, that I was just some sick joke," he mumbles.

Mark nodded understandingly with a frown, "Do you want to work it out though?" He asked with a brow raised as Jeno took a deep breath.

The blond nodded and looks at him, "I do, I really do but I just don't know what to do right now," he smiled sadly as the elder pursed his lips.

"You guys should talk about it," Mark suggested with a shrug, Jeno ponders for awhile before nodding with agreement.

"Maybe so," Jeno said as Mark gave an encouraging smile. The elder leads him to his room as they waved goodbye, "Congrats again with Yukhei," the blond beams.

Mark flushed and laughed it off as he quickly went to the elevator and escape the teasing smile from Jeno. The latter chuckled at his friend's antics before heading inside.


Jeno was on his phone as he sat on his bed waiting for Jaemin to get home, they had planned the night before that they'll be making dinner together as they had nothing to do, also made sure of it.

Jeno heard some noises outside but decided to ignore it, the doorknob jiggles as the noises got louder. The blond looks up when the door opens and gasps with wide eyes.

Jeno froze on his spot at the sight of Jaemin making out with a random girl as he picked her up, the elder suddenly stopped as he noticed his roommate was unexpectedly home.

"Oh- Jeno, hi- uhm," Jaemin stammers as the blond stood up and grabbed his phone, he rushes to the shoe rack pushing Jaemin to the side and puts on his shoes, "wait, Jeno stop," the elder said putting the girl down and went near the younger.

Before Jaemin could even touch him, Jeno stood up from his crouching position and runs out of the room with his shoelaces untied and his tears brimming his eyes.


Donghyuck opens the door of his dorm and widens his eyes when he saw his cousin with tears in his eyes, "c-can I come in?" Jeno said sniffling.

Without hesitation, Donghyuck pulled Jeno inside as he led the boy to his bed and sat them down, "what happened?" With that, Jeno collapses into his arms and sobs.

Donghyuck hugs his cousin tight as the blond bawls his eyes out clutching onto Donghyuck's shirt as the latter swayed with side to side and whispers sweet nothings in his ear trying his best to calm Jeno down.

Donghyuck felt a bit relief that Chenle was out and he didn't have to deal with his loud screaming. After awhile, Jeno regains his breath and hiccups, Donghyuck stood up but the blond only whined tugging on his hand.

"I'll be right back Jen," Donghyuck said draping his blanket over his cousin and patted the boy's hair as he left to the kitchen and grabs a glass of water.

He comes back to see Jeno staring off and biting on the covers, a habit of his as Donghyuck sat beside him giving the glass of water. The blond hummed and takes it gulping it all down, finishing it with an "ahhh."

Donghyuck took the glass and placed it on his nightstand pushing Chenle's homework off the table, he plays with his cousin's hair and waits for the boy to talk.

Jeno wasn't always talkative, he spoke when he needed to and kept quiet when he didn't feel like it was necessary, he bottle things up a lot and shares them when it has reached its limit.

Jeno bites his lip, "he brought them over," he whispers in the silent atmosphere, "he brought a girl over when I was home," he said as tears then started forming in his eyes again.

"Take a moment," Donghyuck said as he patted his thigh, "take your time," Jeno nodded and took his hand as he squeezed it a little.

Jeno took a deep breath, "He never brings them over when I'm around, he makes sure of it," he said as he shakes a little, "Yes I know he does that all the time, but he brings them when I'm out and i-it just hurts to see them about to do it than seeing the aftermath."

He wipes a tear that was running down his cheek, "I-I just don't get it," he whispers in frustration, "was the kiss not meaning anything? Was I not meaning anything?" He asked and turned to his cousin.

Donghyuck frowned, "He's in denial," he said, "The kiss means something and you are something in his life, he just needs to see it and admit it."

"Then why bring them over knowing I'm around?" Jeno asked desperately, Donghyuck sighed and hugged him as he played with his hair.

"I don't know," he said, "you should ask him or talk to him Jen," he said hesitantly. Jeno pulled away abruptly shaking his head.

"N-no," he refused as his eyes were so red and puffy, Donghyuck sighed and laid them down on his bed pulling the extra covers over them.

"Tomorrow, or when you go back there," Donghyuck said as Jeno opened his mouth to protest, " you need to talk to him about it Jeno, we both know it," he persuaded.

Jeno bit his lip, "what if it doesn't work out?" He asked mumbling sadly looking up at his cousin with doe eyes.

Donghyuck gave a small smile, "then cut things off whatever you guys were in," he said, "I can't let you live with someone that you both haven't fixed something yet," he adds.

Jeno sighed and kept quiet, "plus," he looks up at his cousin with a brow raised, "I'll cut his balls even if I'll end up in a cell if it doesn't work out," he shrugs making Jeno giggle, "but for real, talk to him," Donghyuck said with plead.

Jeno nodded reluctantly and closed his eyes trying to get some rest after all that crying and hopefully not get a nightmare.

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