✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏: 𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍

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Safe to say, Jeno didn't catch the cold from his roommate. It's now have been a few weeks and things were a bit of a rollercoaster for the both of them.

Jaemin was still doing his habits and it was starting to irritate Jeno even more than it should have, but in the mornings, the elder would be all flirty to him and seemed like nothing happened.

Jeno, however, avoided to go back to the dorm early like most students would. He would ask Mark or his other friends if they wanted to study together, when they finish he goes home and takes care of Jaemin.

It was like an off and on relationship, one second they're awkward and distant, then the next they're close and teasing each other. The only difference is, they're not even dating.

Right now, He's with Donghyuck and Mark to watch Chenle in the basketball court to practice. The three of them were sitting at the benches until Donghyuck stood up and challenged the youngest.

"I bet you won't beat me bitch," Donghyuck smirked as Chenle tsked and bounced the ball.

The younger hummed as he looked at the other two who were laughing at Donghyuck silently, Mark was drinking his water while Jeno was covering his mouth with his sweater paws.

"Bring it on," Chenle challenged and ran a hand through his messy hair.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes, "don't sponsor a movie now dumbass, this is basketball not cheerleading," he retorts.

Chenle scoffed before Mark started the countdown as Jeno crossed his legs, "Play!" The elder said loudly before the two started the round.

Jeno watched as Donghyuck got tricked a few times and finally Chenle won, he clapped and the tanned male crossed his arms like a child.

Suddenly, another few claps were heard, the four of friends looked at the entrance to see Jaemin, Renjun and Jisung walking in with the youngest clapping slowly.

"Damn," Jisung breathes out, "you got some balls dude," he adds as Renjun face palms and Jaemin smacks his shoulder.

He quickly realized as Chenle raised an eyebrow, "I-I mean, not l-like that! Like, uh- you were good! Really good," he stammers making Mark and Jeno giggle on their seats.

"What are you guys doing here?" Donghyuck asked, Renjun, being the one who has spend his lovely time with the male whenever they're free, answered.

"Jisung wanted to stalk someone," he paused as the said boy shrieks and tries to stop him, "we didn't know who it was until we got here," he shrugs.

Chenle nodded and grabbed the basketball and dribbled it a few times while Donghyuck lays down sulking he just lost, "why don't you guys play with us?" He asked.

The three brightened up and nodded, they came to an agreement to add Mark in as Jeno didn't want to play, Jaemin thought it was both bad and good.

Bad news is, Mark is in his team alongside with Chenle. Good news is, he can show off to Jeno how good he is at basketball, even flex a little if he wanted.

Jeno grabbed an empty notebook and drew the scoreboard, "fair play alright everyone?" He said as Donghyuck was about to go behind Chenle and untie the boy's shoes.

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