✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒊𝒙: 𝑩𝒐𝒃𝒂

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"Ugh, why the fuck is this so hard?" Jaemin complains

"Dude, just grab it, my god its literally so easy" Renjun rolls his eyes

Jaemin glares at him and reaches his whole ass body to grab the pack of hotdogs and winces when he felt like he just touched a huge ice cube.

He grabs it and throws it to the shopping cart like he was playing hot potato. Renjun rolls his eyes again as Jisung was snickering at him

"It's not even that difficult"

Jaemin looks at him "it is! Like my brain can't think fast and I literally grabbed three gallons of milk that's expired! Expired Renjun!"

"It's groceries" the elder deadpans as Jisung laughs beside him

"Jeno's going to kill me" Jaemin scratches his head as he looks at the cart that's only filled with a bunch of junkies, three gallons of thank goodness not expired milk, and the new pack of hotdogs.

They've been in the grocery store for half an hour.

"Goodluck on that, he hates you" Jisung teases as they walk through the vegetables area and picks out some broccolis.

"I know that" Jaemin takes the broccolis and placed them in the cart. "But I know he still has feelings for me"

Renjun raised an eyebrow "how?" Jaemin smiles smugly as he examines a bag of lettuce

"He still blushes and stutters when I'm flirting" before Renjun says something, Jaemin continues smirking widely

"And if he hates me so much, he would've gotten me kicked out, punched or slapped me, made the consequences worse or something" he said as Renjun thoughts for a moment and nods agreeing

"Eh, maybe" he shrugs his shoulders as they continue their grocery shopping with Jaemin getting confused on what the actual hell is the difference of some products

They walk out of the store and Jaemin stops them at the boba shop nearby "what the hell are we doing here?" Jisung asked confused

Jaemin opens the door and gives the bag to him and the latter takes it "Jeno dared me to buy boba" he shrugs and waits for his turn.

When it was finally their turn, Renjun asked "did he even tell you what flavor he wants?" Jaemin smirks and pats his shoulder

"No need to worry dude" he reassures "I remember it by heart" Renjun rolled his eyes

"Hello what can I get for yo- oh you" The cashier said as Jaemin just looks at him

"The fuck you want?" The cashier- or well Donghyuck asks, he has night classes today so he works in the day here at the boba shop.

Jaemin smiles like there wasn't shit going around "Strawberry Banana, size medium please" Donghyuck furrowed his eyebrows

"Don't you hate strawberries?" Jaemin snorts

"Surprised you know that" Donghyuck rolls his eyes and turns around to make his order. Jaemin looks at his friends and saw Jisung waving his hand in front of Renjun's face who was staring.


"What's his name?" The boy snaps out of it and asked

Jaemin looks at Jisung who shrugs his shoulders "Lee Donghyuck, why?"

"He's hot" Renjun blurts out, Jaemin blinks before smirking

"You like him?" The elder nods and Jisung laughs at him "well go get him" Renjun takes a step but Jaemin grabs his arm to stop him "not now though, I have groceries to put and you need to do homework remember?"

Renjun whines but nods anyway as Donghyuck calls for them "yo asshole, your order is here" Jaemin turns around and takes the drink and pays for it.

He takes the change that Donghyuck aggressively gives and smiles sweetly "it's for my princess by the way" he smirks and walks off with Jisung dragging a statued Renjun behind.

Donghyuck blinks and he gasps at the realization "Na Jaemin!" He yells getting looks from customers in the shop.

Jaemin just laughs and walks towards their dorm building.

He passes Mark who was at the gate and glares at him, the boy raised and eyebrow and chuckles at his behavior. Jaemin grumbles as they walk towards the elevator.

When he opens the door to their dorm, it was still empty and clean, no sign of Jeno.

He places the grocery bags as Renjun takes a look at the place "damn, Jeno made this place neat" he comments

Jaemin hums "that's my princess alright" Jisung rolls his eyes at him as he walks around and observes the area as well.

"He's not yours Jaemin" he reminds

"Was" Jaemin didn't know why it felt weird to hear Jeno isn't his, but he shrugs it off.

"Yeah was" Renjun chuckles "don't you want him back though?" He asked genuinely confused.

Jaemin ponders for a moment and shrugs "dunno" he opens the fridge and places Jeno's boba in it and closes the door.

Jisung and Renjun look at each other before shrugging their shoulders. Renjun notices the line of glitter tape "what's that?" He points as Jaemin walks to his bed.

"Oh, that's our boundary line" he shrugs "can't cross it unless he says so" he opens his bag of chips as he remembers something "oh and anyone of who I bring over can't touch his stuff and go to his side" he said.

Renjun nods as Jisung takes a chip "what's the other rules?" He asked, Jaemin chews as he tells his friends the rules Jeno has made since they only knew one of them which is he's not allowed to touch him and the consequences of he breaks a rule.

The two looks at him snickering "what?" He asked dumbfounded. Jisung laughs loudly almost choking on his chip as Renjun laughs slapping his thigh

"Jaemin" he wheezes "you broke another rule"

Jaemin tilts his head and can't understand what he meant, Renjun calms down a bit before laughing again "you brought people over without telling him" he falls onto the floor laughing

Jaemin widens his eyes "fuck"

The sound of the door opens and there stands Jeno, furrowed eyebrows and looking at the two laughing boys before meeting eyes with Jaemin, he crosses his arms and leans onto his one side

"Another rule"

Boundaries ✍︎ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now