✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒐: 𝑭𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌

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"I really like you, will you be my boyfriend?" Jeno widens his eyes before his lips breaks into a wide smile as nodded happily

"Yes!" He beams at the boy hugging him tight

Jaemin smiles and hugs back, arms aroung Jeno's small waist. They pull away and Jaemin's eyes flickers towards Jeno's lips

"Can I kiss you?" He asked

Jeno nodded as Jaemin closes their gap. Kissing Jaemin was amazing as Jeno would say, hell even dating Jaemin is his dream that has came true. He had always had a crush on the elder blonde when the first time they met in the locker room after gym class.

Jeno forgot his extra T-shirt that day and was panicking as his cousin, Donghyuck, sadly isn't sharing the same class with him. Worse of all, the latter's phone was taken away, so he couldn't really call him for help.

He was now in a mid life crisis biting his nails as he stays in the locker room as there was some guys teasing each other in a corner. He rummages through his backpack and locker as he whimpers when the cold breeze hits his bare skin.

Then he felt a tap on his shoulder, he flinches and turns around to see a handsome blonde guy holding a sweater on his hand with a smile on his face.

Jeno looks at him confused and flickers his eyes at the sweater and then at the guy back and forth, the blonde guy chuckles at him

"Take it" he nudges the sweater on his hand gesturing Jeno to wear it and cover his bare skin.

"Are you sure?" Jeno asked hesitantly as the guy nods at him reassuringly, he gave a small nod and reaches for it.

He mumbles a small "thanks" before putting the sweater over his head and wears it covering his once naked upper body. He smoothens the sweater as he looks at the guy who was staring at him.

"S-sorry" Jeno apologizes "I'm Jeno" he smiles introducing himself to the male.

The blonde dude smiles again but wider "I'm Jaemin" he takes his hand out for a handshake to which Jeno gladly accepted.

Ever since that day, they became friends to best friends and gotten to know each other. Sooner or later here they are confessing their feelings for one another and kissing.

Jeno will always remember that day, if it wasn't for Jaemin, he would have been stuck in the locker room shivering. No way in hell he's going around the damn school without a shirt on.

Dating Jaemin was the best, Jeno would wake up with goodmorning texts from the elder blonde

Would open the door revealing the said boy smiling at him with a small daisy and placing it behind Jeno's ear as he takes his hand and walks them to school.

At school, Jeno would be staring off into space thinking about the latter and when the bell rings, he zooms out of the classroom to meet Jaemin at the cafeteria where the blonde is already sitting at with his friends.

Boundaries ✍︎ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now