✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑬𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏: 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍

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A/N: double update! Hope you like it :)


Jaemin wakes up with a headache and groans before looking around the room, he sees a glass of water and some Advil on his nightstand.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he takes them, it's been happening everytime he wakes up after going to the bar the previous night, he doesn't know who has been leaving them but brushes the thought off.

As long as his headache is gone then he's fine, he though, assumes that it's maybe his one night stands leaving them for him, but how could they know where the things are located? he doesn't get it.

Jeno goes out of the bathroom with his usual comfortable outfit, a large T-shirt and just boxers. It's a Saturday, so who cares?

Apparently Jaemin does, one of the hardest part of being Jeno's roommate is to control his fucking hormones. The younger blond likes to wear oversized shirts and pairing it with just boxers, nothing else, no shorts or pants. Just boxers.

He stares at him as the boy rolled his eyes, "what?" Jaemin snaps out of it and clears his throat.

He looks at the now empty glass and asked, "do you know who has been leaving these everytime I have a hangover?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

Jeno pursed his lips before replying, "your one night stands," simple reply but Jaemin still doesn't get it.

"How could they know where it's located?" He looks at Jeno who is nervous as hell, the boy looks around.

"They asked and I told them," he shrugs as Jaemin nodded, still doubting the answer.

For some reason, Jaemin felt a little saddened at the answer, he somehow wanted Jeno to be the one leaving them instead of those people.

Jeno fumbles with his shirt, "I'll be making the pancakes now," he said before running to the kitchen.

Jaemin unconsciously smiled at his panicking state, he found it quite adorable how Jeno acts when he's nervous.

He runs a hand through his hair before standing up, he winces at the throbbing pain in his head but endures it as he walks to the kitchen seeing Jeno almost done with their breakfast, or lunch, brunch? Whatever, it's food.

Has he been thinking about Jeno that long for the latter to almost finish cooking? Damn.

Jaemin walks behind the younger and was about to open the cupboard but got jabbed on the ribs instead, he yelps as he backs away.

"Stop breaking rules!" Jeno scolds and points a spatula at him.

Jaemin groans and stands up, hands still on his stomach, "well sorry! I was just going to grab some fucking plates to help you with the table!" He raised his voice.

Jeno flinches at his tone, he lowers his hand and looks down, "you could've just told me first, I got scared," he mumbled.

Jaemin's gaze softened and finally stands up properly, "sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you or scare you," he scratched his nape.

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