✍︎ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒆𝒏: 𝑪𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆 𝑩𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒚

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A/N: So I know I said I wasn't in the best condition and stuff and you guys told me to rest first...but I'm like bored and literally stuck in bed because it hurts so bad.

Also can't go to the doctor because it's really strict right now and also because it's very expensive.

Love how I get the blame for my suffering and it's my fault, she said and I quote, "this house has a lot of problems and I do all the work," :')

Anyways, Hope you enjoy this chapter! And I apologize if it's not the best cuz my brain isn't really thinking well lmao


"Wait what?!" Donghyuck screams when his cousin explained what had happened the other night.

Jeno squeaks and goes over the table to cover his cousin's mouth with his hands, "shh!" He looks around the boba shop and flushes red when he sees eyes on them, "keep your voice down please," he whispers.

Donghyuck nods and Jeno sighs removing his hands before sitting back down to his seat, "that motherfucker!" Jeno shuts his eyes as the tanned male spoke, saliva hitting his cheek.

The blond took some tissues and wipes his cheek as his cousin was aggressively sipping on his drink, "I'll burn his dick down," he grumbles.

Jeno rolled his eyes, "you'll go to jail for that."

"You'll bail me out, jail is just a cell," Donghyuck smiles smugly as Jeno snorts at him.

"Yeah, and money is just paper," he flicks his cousin's forehead, the boy winces and he sighs.

"You don't still love him though," an awkward silence as Jeno looks away, "right?" Donghyuck asked softly.

His cousin nods reluctantly still looking away, "Jeno," he places a comforting hand on the blond's, rubbing his thumb in circles, "you can tell me."

Jeno looks back to his cousin, tears in his eyes as he swallows back a sob, "I-," he breaks. He starts to cry as Donghyuck stood up and came to his side, wrapping his arms around the sad blond.

The tanned male rubs his back and whispers sweet words to calm his cousin down, ignoring the attention they have brought to his work place, he glances at the clock and sighs in relief when he still has a few minutes left before going back to the counter.

After a few minutes, Jeno calms down and sniffles, "I still do," he said barely audible, but luckily Donghyuck heard it and nodded, gesturing him to continue.

"Is it b-bad that I still d-do?" He hiccups looking at Donghyuck with red puffy eyes, "even after w-what he did to me?"

Donghyuck pursed his lips, "no," he said and brushes Jeno's bangs away from his eyes, "it's okay to still love someone after what they did," he pauses, "besides, you can't control feelings," he smiles a little.

Jeno nodded slowly and hiccups, "but i-it hurts," he tears up again as Donghyuck rocks them side to side.

"Love hurts," Donghyuck said bitterly, "but that's part of it, an obstacle everyone goes through in one point in their lives," he sighs.

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