Chapter 17

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Damon POV 

I shake my head smiling. She had an uncanny ability to make smile when no other woman could. Not that other women are not worth it, they just didn't make me as happy as Elena did. It's hard to believe that I've known her for only two days, it feels more like an eternity. I remember a client telling me something so similar, I disregarded his emotions as that of romantic foolish. Well, how the table turn. 

Instead of feeling tied down to a woman, I feel liberated. As if I had missing out on this all of my life, and we hadn't even kissed yet! Just imaging those soft and delicious lips tangling with mine had me roll my eyes in pleasure. If only her company could bring me so much pleasure, imagine the heaven I'd reach, when I am inside of her. 

As I took a glance at the neighbourhood, I felt my smile vanishing slowly. She did not deserve this. This place is flooded with all kinds of filth, not mention the filth that is walking around, looking shady as hell. At a far corner, I could see teenagers probably dealing meth and all sorts of other illegal tradings. It made my heart tighten with worry for her. She walks from here to the bus station and comes back walking too. Alone. Someone so beautiful and delicate walking around so late at night, especially at place like this, made me feel confusingly livid. I could not decipher this unwanted need to carry her forcibly to my apartment, at a better and safer part of the town. Just the thought of harm coming her way, nearly had me weeping in sorrow. Sorrow for what had happened to her at a place that is supposedly under my control. She should have been safe at my office too. It was after all situated in the good part of the town. I can't imagine her trauma. To be violate by my own employee. I feel foolish for not seeing the signs, how stiff she would get in that bastard's presence. It was all in front of me and yet I didn't allow myself to notice it. Or rather, care enough about it. I was no less than that monster. I should have done something. Anything to prevent it. I was an a-- 

"Hey! Open the door. I've been knocking for so long! Have you been dreaming of unspeakable shenanigans huh!?"

I was startled by her angelic voice. I was so submerged in my self- hate, that I was completely unaware of my surroundings. Slowly I lifted my head to see her. So beautful, yet so... broken? What happened to her? What is her story? 

"Hey!! Open the damn door! I've been wa-"

"I'm sorry." I whisper. She heard me and tilts her head in confusion. 

"What?" She has in a hesitant manner. There's a slight tremble in her voice. 

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there to protect you. I'm sorry that I couldn't prevent and didn't see what was so glaringly obvious." I try to express all of my anguish, yet it still doesn't feel like it's even remotely near to how miserable I actually feel. 

She asks me to open the door and I comply. She gets inside the car and crawls to my lap facing me. Oh so tenderly, she palms my cheeks with both hands and looks at me with infinite affection. For someone like. 

"I thought you wouldn't trust me. I thought you would fire me. I thought even if there was a slight chance of you believing me, you wouldn't care enough about it. I'm after all a low life in front of that man."

I interrupt her, "No! You can never be a low life, to anyone! You mean so much mo-"

She puts her finger on my lip to shush me and it works. "Let me complete. You proved me wrong. You were so kind to me. No one has ever been so kind to me as you had. Not even my own brother. You took care of me, you believed me. You trusted me. You are my saviour. You had no reason to embrace me with so much affection, but you did. It made me feel like a princess! Even now, you're so concerned about my safety. You don't need to, but you do. And that itself makes me so happy, I never thought I'd feel so much affection for anyone, let alone my boss. But whenever I am around you, I feel a compulsive need to do exactly that. Don't be sorry. You have only been nice and kind to me since the start. Well, not since the start per se but definitely since I've been employed." She ends with a chuckle. I can't help but look at her like she's a goddess. 

Very slowly, I lean towards. So close that I could feel her breath on my face. I linger for a moment, looking for some sort consent, when she nods her head, I get even more closer and just as I was about to kiss her, I heard an ugly screech. 

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