Chapter 1

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Everything is going to change from now.

This is the first thought that came to my mind today as I woke up. Today I will finally get to live my life the way I always wanted it to be. 

It's been about 3 months since I moved/ran from my step- brother. Just thinking about him fills me with disgust. 

It has been a very difficult 3 months. I had to take 3 jobs everyday in order to pay the rent of my apartment and finish my online course, which I did in those 3 months. It was very tough to manage at first, but I survived. 

So today, I have a job interview. It's at Salvatore's Pvt. and Ltd. I've heard a lot about Damon Salvatore (owner of the company). He's extremely intelligent and efficient. It is because of him that his company is the best in the whole of New York. I really hope I get this job. It can totally change my life for good. 

I've been saving a lot of money ever since I ran away. So I bought a lot of office wear with that money some killer heel and a bag. 

After I brushed my teeth and showered, I started looking for a dress. I wore one of the best outfits I had bought. It was a black pencil dress, matched along with a black bag and black killer heels.

 It was a black pencil dress, matched along with a black bag and black killer heels

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I was soon out of my apartment and reaching out for the bus station. When the bus arrived, I took the seat at the front. I was excited and nervous at the same time.

Excited for finally getting an interview for a company I really rooted for and nervous because of Mr. Salvatore. I have read that he is a very shrewd businessman and changed his assistants like his clothes. So yeah I was very nervous.

Soon I reached the place and the first thing that I saw was the building. It could easily accommodate about 70- 80 floors. It's exterior was all covered with glass windows. It had a modern structure to it, which made it stand out from the rest of the companies around it. I was totally awed by the building.

As I started to walk towards the entrance I was stopped the security guards. Both of them were giants. They looked like some kind of a street fighter. One of the had a lip piercing. But both of their arms were covered with tattoos. They emitted a really serious aura around them. So, me being me, did what any insane person could. I poked both of their cheeks. They looked utterly confused. So to ease their tension I answered.

"I was just clarifying if you both had dimples, though it would look really cute on the both of you!"

Their gaze softened a bit. Just a tiny weeny bit.

So to see if they were capable of smiling I again did something completely and utterly idiotic. I started making funny faces. Starting by my exclusive piggy face and then followed by my hippo dance. Their lips started to twitch. And soon enough they burst out laughing and I joined them too. We were laughing so hard that we didn't seem to notice anyone's presence around us.

Suddenly a very husky voice boomed around the entrance "What do I pay you for?"

I froze and to pay respect I moved around to see who it was, though, his voice held a lot of authority.

And what I saw was totally a beautiful sight to see. The person had a chiseled jaw and very sharp jawline. He had the perfect nose and the perfect tanned skin. He had dark brown eyes and black hair which were gelled neatly. I was truly mesmerised by his eyes.

"S-sorr-y sir" The guard with the lip piercing stuttered. I didn't want to lose this job so I decided to apologise.

"Yeah I'm sorry too" I said. As I spoke his gaze shifted from the guards to me. I was shitless scared and very very nervous. So I did the most genius thing I could do. I ran. I literally ran away in my new and expensive heels. I heard him call out to me but I ignored and was soon out of his reach...

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