Chapter 1 - Where The Four Horsemen Are Now

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Before we can start the adventure in which you are about to read first I must tell you how we got here. In the first wave of humanity the Earth was destroyed the humans along with it and Angels, Demons and Makers all fought on the shattered earth while The Four Horsemen where betrayed by there creaters the ones who made them kill there own race the ones known as The Charred Council. War was the first to be betrayed after abaddon became the Destroyer War was sent to kill him after being blamed for starting The End War. Death than left to the Well Of Souls to clear his brothers name. Fury was tasked with taking out The Seven Deadly Sins not expected to survive but Fate had other ideas. And finally Strife was sent to learn and become one of the humans. And after War Killed The Destroyer he broke the seventh seal summoning The Four Horsemen wherever they where. And off they went to finally once and for all take down the Charred Council and finally..... Be free. And after the war settled both The Demons and Angels finally made an agreement to stop this petty war and let the humans rebuild themselves causing what they called The Second Wave Of Humanity.

Now that was over 20000-30000 Years Ago. The army's of hell are back where they belong and same goes for the Angels but what of The Four where are they you might ask? Well that is where this story finally begins.

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