Chapter 7 - The Hunt For The Deadly Demon Gonzo

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The Four Horsemen, Melissa and Uriel where all still in the cave when the ground started to vibrate "Uhh Guys do you feel that to?" Asked Strife "Everyone be on guard!" Death ordered pulling out his Scythes "Right behind you brother" Fury replied swinging her whip "Finally some action" Strife said getting his pistols all loaded up and ready. And before they knew it pitch black zombie like figures started to come out of the floor and walls and now it's a big old brawl. A zombie (Yes that's what I'm calling them don't judge me) lunged at Death causing him to do a backflip in the air slicing ones head clean off but than noticed that these things have bright purple blood that practically glowed. A couple of zombies went after Strife but he just backfliped on the wall and blew ones brains out all over the place than jumped back down and roundhouse kicked one right into War where War than preceded to slice it in half along with a few others swinging Chaoseater with all his might. Zombie parts/limbs where flying all over the place "Man do these things ever stop coming? It's like there is no end to them" Strife said while shooting his pistols and getting a bunch of head shots "Bullseye!!" Strife screamed as he flung another zombie into Fury who just whipped it so hard and fast it chopped it in half Uriel and Melissa where fighting back to back against a bunch of them. But sadly for are beloved horsemen they couldn't stay any longer because there where so many zombies coming that the cave started to fall apart "Shit we have to get out of here!!" Death said as he sliced another zombie in half and started to run for the exit before the whole cave fell apart his siblings close behind. As Death was running for the exit and slicing zombies along the way he heard the cave start to collapse behind him so he jumped for the exit but as he did so he felt the force of the cave collapsing and gave him a very ruff landing "Is 'Cough' everyone ok?" Death asked looking for his siblings but all he could see was dust clouding his vision "I'm here brother" Death heard Strife say as he was following his voice. Death finally found Strife along with Uriel and Melissa but "Has anyone seen War or Fury?" Death asked getting worried (although he'll never admit it) "No I haven't seen them since that fucking cave exploded man" Strife said dusting himself off but also secretly getting worried for his brother and sister. "Well looks like we are split up for now but we have to keep going I'm pretty sure those things will be back and it will be night time soon" Uriel said to Death "I agree we'll have to look for them first thing tomorrow but right now let's find somewhere safe" While Death and everyone started walking Uriel looked back at the now destroyed cave and whispered "Stay safe War"

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