Chapter 13 - Back Home...... For Now

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As soon as The Horsemen got back home War immediately went outside in the training yard and didn't say anything. He was still in his ripped up and bloody armor. "War wait" Fury called to him but he was already walking off. Fury went to go follow him but Strife grabbed her arm and said "Give him time sister. We all need to heal from this" Fury saw that Strife had his head down and that he was very serious. She looked back to where War walked off than back at Strife "Well I guess I'm going to take a shower than brother" Fury said walking off. Strife just sat down on the crusty couch and cryed himself to sleep. A few hours later Strife felt himself being shaken awake. Strife opened his eyes to see Fury waking him up with tears in her eyes. Strife jumped up "Fury what's wrong?" Strife asked "Im just worried about War he has been outside since we've gotten back" Fury said hugging Strife. Strife patted Fury on the back "It's ok Fury I'll go talk to him" Strife said than laid Fury down on the couch "Thank you" Fury said softly before going to sleep 'I'll bring her to her room later' Strife said in his head 'But first I gotta talk to War' than Strife was off to find War.

(Well damn this is the shortest Chapter in the story. But that's alright... I hope 🖤 💙)

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