Chapter 8 - Damn Where Split Up

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War opened his eyes and grunted the last thing he remembered was him his siblings Uriel and Melissa all running out of the cave they where staying in after being attacked by zombie like creatures. War finally got up and noticed that it was very dark and that he couldn't see much. War pulled out Chaoseater and made it go into flames so he could see but after he did that he noticed that not only was the cave completely caved in and he was still inside but also that he wasn't alone Fury was laying on the floor completely knocked out. War picked himself up at went over to help his sister "Fury get up sister we have to get out of here" War said gently shaking Fury "Hu-Huh War is that you? Where are we?" Fury said getting up "We are under the collapsed cave sister" War replied back looking around "And what of the others? Did they make it out?" Fury asked "Yes I believe so. But We have to keep moving I'm shure there are more of those things coming for us" War said before walking off Fury following close behind "There should be another exit up ahead" War stated. They have been walking for about an hour when zombie hands broke through the ground right underneath of War grabbing his legs "Get back you fucking beast!" War screamed as he was trying to free himself. Fury ran to help her brother but a zombie fell from the ceiling on top of her punching her in the head Fury just grunted and wrapped her legs around the zombies neck braking it. By the time she was up War freed himself but had about 6 zombies hanging on him Fury just pulled her Whip out and smacked a couple off of him War than impaled one than dropkicked it away Fury whipped the last ones head clean off "Ar-Are you alright brother?" Fury asked panting heavily War just nodded. Fury turned her head and saw a light from one of the holes a zombie came out of "War look a way out" Fury announced War just ran into the hole with all his might to create an exit "Finally some fresh air" Fury said walking out of the bigger hole War created "Now let us go find are brothers sister" War said dusting himself off. After a while they where walking in what appeared to be some woods but stopped when they heard something that sounded like.... A fight? "War do you hear that?" Fury asked War only ran in the direction of the sounds "War Wait!!" Fury screamed but it was to late Fury just grunted before following her brother. When they got there they saw Death, Strife, Uriel and Melissa fighting what appeared to be an army of zombies. Fury ran to go help her brother Strife who appeared to be struggling with some zombies "Hay glad you guys could join the party. You don't know how happy I am to see you" Strife said to Fury panting "Strife what the hell happened?" Fury asked Strife slicing a few zombies. Death was fighting a bunch of zombies and he had their purple blood all over him and his Scythes when War finally came to his aid they didn't say anything but back to back they took out almost all of the zombies. Uriel saw War and thanked the heavens that he was alright while she sliced a zombies head off with her sword. Finally the battle ended with zombie parts laying all over the ground "Well that was fun" Strife stated but everyone looked at him like he had three heads "What?" He asked but everyone just ignored him. Fury looked at Death and asked "What Happened?" Death looked at her and sighed "It's a long story" But before he could say anything else a deep voice spoke with a wicked laugh that sounded all to familiar "War, Fury glad you could make it!!"

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